It is a pleasure to watch the think tanks and the Israel-first, pro-war neocons begin thinking of their own political demise. It is intriguing to speculate that Trump with his populist message might just take it all one step farther and shut the door on the K Street lobbyists and other special interests, which have […]

I am still waiting to see the actual evidence for the Russian direct involvement and have to suspect that there is little to show, or possibly even nothing…. One can reasonably argue that Washington started the practice of cyber-warfare and has been a long-time practitioner of both regime change and election tampering in its relationship with […]

The report, like the “Grizzly Steppe” effort, includes an unusual disclaimer, noting in an appendix on “Estimative Language” that “Judgments are not intended to imply that we have proof that shows something to be a fact.” By Philip Giraldi The eagerly awaited report on the alleged Russian influence operation and hack linked to the recent […]

There is scant attention paid by any of the Israel boosters for actual American interests … American values and needs are invisible because they are of no interest to John Bolton and his fellow knee jerkers at AEI, the Hudson Institute, the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP), the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs […]