Council for the National Interest
Archive for: October, 2019

How Israel Controls Its Narrative

Potential critics often self-censor It is interesting to note how the Israel Lobby is able to manage and contain the commentary of groups in America that might normally be critical of Israeli policies vis-à-vis the United States. A recent article by Professor Andrew Bacevich entitled “President Trump, Please End the American Era in the Middle East” is […]

The Ukraine Impeachment Fiasco: Both Republicans and Democrats Being Manipulated by the Deep State

The problem with the current imbroglio over Ukraine is that the discussion does not begin where it should. Here is the timeline: the United States decided to make a serious effort to bring about regime change in Ukraine under the Obama Administration after that country’s election on June 2010 returned Viktor Yanukovych, who sought closer ties with […]

National Summit Videos

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Click image to watch videos from the National Summit to reassess the U.S.-Israel "Special Relationship".

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