Council for the National Interest
Archive for: March, 2020

Virginia Goes Zionist

Jewish power manifest in the Old Dominion Politicians, bureaucrats and media talking heads have long turned a blind eye to legislation and policies that benefit the state of Israel to the detriments of United States’ interests. The U.S. Treasury is plausibly describable as a gift that never stops giving to the people and governments of […]

Tulsi Gabbard Falls on Her Sword: America’s Leading Antiwar Voice Is Destroyed by Hillary

In American politics, it is not often that one sees an assassination carried out in public, but that is exactly what the Democratic Party establishment did to peace candidate Tulsi Gabbard. She was sidelined right from the beginning of her campaign and the fact that she was a woman of color and a veteran earned her no points with […]

Whither Coronavirus? When Will It End and What Will Happen Along the Way

The coronavirus story has generated a number of major subplots. First is the origin of the virus. Did it occur naturally or was it created in a Chinese, American or Israeli weapons lab? If bioengineered, did it somehow escape or was it deliberately released? As the governments that might have been involved in the process […]

Punishing America’s Enemies

Denying medicines to Iran and Venezuela is a crime against humanity Much remains to be learned about the coronavirus, though it is quite possible that it will not be possible to determine how it developed if the various governments that might be involved prove to be uncooperative. The Chinese carefully controlled the information on the […]

A Tale of Two Foreign Policies: The Train-Wreck Abroad Is Bipartisan

Now that the Democratic Party has apparently succeeded in getting rid of the only two voices among its presidential candidates that actually deviated from the establishment consensus, it appears that Joe Biden will be running against Donald Trump in November. To be sure, Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard are still hanging on, but the fix […]

More American Blunders in the Middle East: U.S. Envoys Embrace Terrorists Yet Again

The spread of the coronavirus has meant that much of the other news about developments around the world has disappeared from the normal news cycle. The situation in Syria, which involves not only the government in Damascus but also Turkey, Russia, Iran and a remaining American force in part of the country has been proving increasingly unstable. […]

Fake News Starts in Washington: Perception Management and Influence Operations Manipulate Public Opinion

It is perhaps unusual to have a government that has as much disregard for what most would consider to be the truth as does the current group of rascals running the United States of America. To be sure, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is as shameless a liar as has ever been seen on any […]

Old Ideas in New Bottles

A new front group preaches restraint while embracing interventionism Numerous so-called “front groups” operate in the United States. A front group is very simply an organization that pretends to have a certain program while at the same time using that identity as cover to promote a hidden agenda that is something quite different, often opposed […]

Draining the Intelligence Community Swamp

New hires will all be Israel’s poodles The appointment of U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell as interim Director of National Intelligence (DNI), a position that he will apparently hold simultaneously with the ambassadorship, has been criticized from all sides due to his inexperience, history of bad judgement and partisanship. The White House is now […]

Who Made Coronavirus? Was It the U.S., Israel or China Itself?

The most commonly reported mainstream media account of the creation of the Coronavirus suggests that it was derived from an animal borne microorganism found in a wild bat that was consumed by an ethnic Chinese resident of Wuhan. But there appears to be some evidence to dispute that in that adjacent provinces in China, where […]

National Summit Videos

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Click image to watch videos from the National Summit to reassess the U.S.-Israel "Special Relationship".

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