Council for the National Interest

Administrative Detainees Continue Their Hunger Strike

Apr 27 2014 / 10:28 pm

IMEMC – Held by Israel under arbitrary detention orders without charges or trial, 186 Palestinian detainees continued their hunger strike for the fourth day.

In a press release, Sunday, the Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS) stated that the Administrative Detainees expressed that their hunger strike is their way to demand their legitimate rights, and called for wide public support.

On Thursday, the Administrative Detainees started their open-ended strike demanding their release as they are held in direct violation of International Law.

The detainees are also demanding Israel to stop this illegitimate policy, to stop the ongoing renewal of detention orders against them, or send them to court where the military prosecution will have to press charges.

There are around 186 Administrative Detainees illegally held by Israel, they are all participating in this hunger strike.

In a report about the Palestinian detainees held by Israel, the Palestinian Ministry Of Detainees said that more than 800,000 Palestinians, including children, have been kidnapped and imprisoned by Israel since 1967, while at least 5,000 Palestinians are currently held by Israel.

The number includes detainees held under Administrative Detention orders.

In its report, the Ministry said;

“Administrative Detention is the ‘unknown enemy’ which the detainees face, as it is a punishment without a charge, without an indictment.

Administrative detainees are held without trial. Neither they or their lawyers are allowed to defend themselves, simply because they face what Israel calls a ‘secret file’ that no one is allowed to see.

Each arbitrary Administrative Detention order is usually 1 to 6 months, issued by military commanders in the occupied Palestinian territories. Such orders target both men and women of different ages, young and old, including physicians, engineers, professors, teachers, journalists and elected legislators and officials.

Such orders are repeatedly renewed and, in many cases, just as the detainees are about to step out of prison, they are informed of a new order, often spending months and years under such orders without even knowing when, or if, they will ever be freed.”

Posted by on Apr 27 2014 . Filed under News from the Middle East . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 . Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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