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Stories written by PhilipGiraldi

Israeli Soldiers Shoot Dead Palestinian Two-Year-Old

While Blinken tells AIPAC of Team Biden’s “iron clad” support for Israel

Is a Change of Course at State Department Coming?

Some senior officers are retiring but who and what will replace them? There are a lot of anonymous bureaucrats that man the offices in the nation’s capital. If one were to mention the name Wendy Sherman at a Washington DC cocktail gathering it is likely that few in the room will have ever heard of […]

Joe Biden Launches His War on Antisemitism

Massive politically motivated effort will impact on free speech and association As promised, the White House hosted a virtual event followed by the issuance of a fact sheet and detailed strategic report last Thursday that described in some detail a sweeping plan that will be implemented to confront what it describes as surging antisemitism. I reported […]

It’s Good News Week

Joe Biden is creating enemies everywhere Well, if you thought the American Civil War ended back in 1865, you are apparently wrong. No less an authority than President Joe Biden, in a May 13th commencement speech to historically black Howard University’s graduates, told the overwhelmingly black students and their families that “The most dangerous terrorist threat to […]

Is the United States Moving Its Capital to Jerusalem?

American Politicians flock to Israel while dismembering the US Constitution in deference to Jewish power It would seem that American politicians and media think that the entire world should rightly conform to the marching orders emanating from Washington, even though that pretense has become a bit shopworn after more than twenty years of pointless wars […]

“Freedom of Religion” and Other Lies

Christian and Muslim persecution in Israel ignored by the White House The United States government, in its incessant bullying of foreign nations to get them to see the world the way that the cabal that runs Washington sees it, ironically often cites such fictions as the “rule of law” that guarantees such “rights” as “free […]

Interfering in Elections?

Israel uses high-technology to influence results A week ago an interesting story surfaced briefly in the news about how the developing Republican presidential candidate bids by Nikki Haley and others had been attacked over the past eleven months by possibly as many as hundreds of thousands of false automated personas, referred to in the trade as “bots,” […]

America Goes to War

Constantly without regard for any real national interest At last week’s Rage Against the War Machine peace rally in Washington there was no shortage of speakers who denounced the Biden Administration’s hypocritical foreign policy, which essentially judges any violent action undertaken by the United States and its friends as good by definition while anything done by rivals […]

Does Israel Seek a “Final Solution for Palestinians?”

Diaspora Jews choose to look the other way as the carnage increases There is what passes for a sick joke among those who watch the Israeli slaughter of Palestinians with increasing shock over what Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his thugs have been allowed to get away with. It goes something like this: Israel has […]

Joe Biden Says “Our Work Is Far from Over!”

I received an email ostensibly from President Joe Biden the other morning which scared the hell out of me. It was the usual plea for money but the headline read “Philip, our work is far from over!” suggesting to me that the White House is seeking to do even more damage to the country in […]

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Click image to watch videos from the National Summit to reassess the U.S.-Israel "Special Relationship".

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