Council for the National Interest
Philip Giraldi

Some Simple Lies Out of Washington: Who Is the Terrorist and Who Is the Victim?

There is no American interest that is served by allowing Israelis to kill Palestinians, Phil Giraldi writes. There have been few surprises coming out of the violence that has erupted in Palestine and Israel. Israel, firmly in control of much of the media in the U.S. and Western Europe has chosen to depict it in […]

Netanyahu Warns Biden Not to Get Involved

But Biden gives Israel more weapons even as Gaza is bleeding An interesting recent article by international lawyer John Whitbeck suggests that the billions of dollars that the United States gives to Israel annually is not technically “foreign aid” as the Jewish state is as measured by per capita GDP the 19th wealthiest in the world, ahead of […]

Diversity Gone Mad at CIA

New recruiting ads emphasize woke culture You can’t have it both ways. Either the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is composed of a group of mad psychopaths who are controlling most of the world or it is a bit of a kabuki performance consisting of poseurs playing bizarre, stylized characters that seek to provide amusement for […]

Butting Heads With China and Russia: American Diplomats Are Outclassed

United State engagement in complicated overseas quarrels should be limited to areas where genuine vital interests are at stake. With the exception of the impending departure of U.S. and NATO forces from Afghanistan, if it occurs, the White House seems to prefer to use aggression to deter adversaries rather than finesse. The recent exchanges between […]

Oh What a Lovely New War! False Flagging in the Middle East?

As is frequently the case when Washington gets entangled with Israel’s perceived interests, this would not be good for the United States. There has been virtually no American media coverage of last week’s arrival of a senior Israeli delegation in Washington to discuss Iran. The delegation included the head of the Israeli external intelligence service Mossad […]

Rampaging Israeli Settlers

Calls for “Death to Arabs” in Jerusalem Last week there were some interesting stories that were very definitely underreported partly due to the fact that the mainstream media was heavily into the distraction provided by its beatification of George Floyd. For example, the tale of how a mob consisting of hundreds of Israeli Jews, composed […]

The Shape of Things to Come

Democrats prepare to eliminate opposition to woke culture So what was preordained has finally taken place. Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin has now been convicted of the murder of George Floyd. While many, possibly even most, Americans would agree that Chauvin exceeded what was necessary in his use of force, the prosecution never proved […]

Who Wags the Dog? Israel’s Friends in Washington Mean Constant War in the Middle East

Biden, like presidents before him, is caught in the trap between an extremist-dominated Israel and the all-powerful domestic Israel Lobby. Donald Trump, who was elected President of the United States in 2016, may have won due to voters attracted by his pledge to end many of the “stupid” wars that the American military was involved […]

Tucker Carlson Exposes Zionist Hypocrisy on Immigration

Jewish establishment embraces immigrants but only in America Well, the cat is finally well and truly out of the bag when it comes to Israeli and organized Jewry’s hypocrisy. The unprincipled attack on Tucker Carlson by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) over his alleged “white supremacism” included a demand to Fox News that he be fired. […]

The Magic of Israel

Now you see it, now you don’t The popular narrative of plucky little Israel prevailing over hordes of bloodthirsty Arabs has captured the Western imagination even though it is manifestly false in almost every detail. But Israel’s greatest accomplishment might well be something else, it’s ability to make things disappear. It plausibly all began in […]

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