Council for the National Interest
Philip Giraldi

Netanyahu’s Dirty Laundry Tells All

If you can steal a whole country, what’s a little laundry? taff in Washington D.C.’s Blair House, where the U.S. president houses his V.I.P. foreign guests, report that they have begun counting towels and robes after visitors depart. Soap and shampoo resupply is also being closely monitored and a metal detector has been installed in […]

What They Are Not Talking About: War and Peace, Healthcare and Jobs Are Non-Issues

Watching the network news on television or reading about current events in the newspapers seemingly transports one to an alternate universe where nothing seems to make sense. The profit driven news cycle in the United States is admittedly a poor mechanism for actually gaining an understanding of what is going on, but seven days of […]

Trump Confirms U.S. Is Israel’s “Protector”

“Check out any time you like, but you can never leave” For many years the security framework in the Middle East has been described as a bilateral arrangement whereby Washington gained access to sufficient Saudi Arabian oil to keep the energy market stable while the United States provided an armed physical presence through its bases […]

Enemies Lists on Display at the United Nations

Clashing videos exchange threats President Trump Addresses the 75th Session of the United Nations General Assembly. The opening of the United Nations General Assembly in New York each September is generally notable for its two weeks of speeches by heads of state, foreign ministers and other government officials addressing their own fellow citizens through the […]

Are You Feeling Safer? ‘War of the Worlds’ Pits U.S. and Israel Against Everyone Else

The media being focused on an upcoming election, coronavirus, fires on the West Coast and burgeoning BLM and Antifa unrest, it is perhaps no surprise that some stories are not exactly making it through to the evening news. Last week an important vote in the United Nations General Assembly went heavily against the United States. […]

A Peace Deal Like No Other

Much ado about nothing, but Act 2 is coming up It is odd that the White House is gloating over its claimed peace agreement in the Middle East at the same time as one of the signatories is bombing Syria, Lebanon and Gaza. It all suggests that peace in the region will exclude designated enemies […]

New Ambassador Attracts the Usual Enemies: Doug Macgregor Feels the Wrath of the Jewish Lobby

There is an old saying that allegedly came out of the French Revolution, that revolution, like the god Saturn, devours its own children. It was reportedly uttered by Georges Danton at the trial that preceded his execution and could be applied equally to the demise of Trotsky after the Russian Revolution. It meant that the […]

Democrats Go All-Out for Israel

Joe is a Zionist and Kamala panders to Jewish donors Those of us who have longed for an end to America’s military engagement in the Middle East have hoped for a candidate who was not tied hand and foot to Israel, which is the root cause of the badly-broken and essentially pointless U.S. foreign policy […]

A Truly Poisonous Foreign Policy: A Ridiculous Proposal from The New York Times

If one had been reading America’s leading newspapers and magazines over the past several weeks the series of featured stories suggesting that Russia’s President Vladimir Putin is some kind of latter day Lucrezia Borgia would have been impossible to avoid. Putin, who was simultaneously being branded as some kind of totalitarian monster, apparently does not just […]

Hypocrisy Thy Name Is Zion

Jewish groups support BLM while ignoring Palestinian genocide There is a tendency on the part of major Jewish groups in the United States and in Europe to discover what they describe as anti-Semitism wherever one turns. Last month, a statue of the well-known and highly respected 18th century French writer and political philosopher Voltaire was removed from outside […]

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