Council for the National Interest

Simple Stuff About Ukraine: Who’s Got the Pierogies?

By Phil Giraldi., 3/18/14 – On March 6th President Barack Obama signed an executive order “Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Ukraine” which permits Washington to seize the assets of any “United States person” who opposes current US policies vis-à-vis that country. The order claims absurdly that the status quo in Ukraine and the Crimean […]

Diplomacy Is a Four Letter Word

By Philip Giraldi., 2/18/14 – Why is the United States so reluctant to negotiate with other countries and so prone to leap immediately to the option of using force or chicanery in lieu of a more deliberative foreign policy? It might partly be because we Americans are not very good at the subtlety and […]

Israel Needs to Learn Some Manners

“America gives Israel money, arms and advice. Israel takes the money, it takes the arms, and it rudely rejects the advice. The fundamental problem with American support for Israel is its unconditional nature. Consequently, Israel does not have to pay a price for acting unilaterally in a multilateral world, for its flagrant violations of international law, […]

Defeat the Israel Lobby

By Justin Raimondo., January 12, 20143 – The announcement by the White House that a preliminary agreement with Iran has been reached on limiting their nuclear program – stopping enrichment of uranium beyond 3 percent, dismantling enrichment facilities, and increasing the pace and intrusiveness of IAEA inspections – sets the stage for a six-month-long drama, the […]

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