Council for the National Interest
Israel Lobby

The Amen Corner Strikes Again

Congress is in Israel’s pocket Once upon a time the Israel Lobby destroyed critics of the Jewish state and its behavior by stealth. If a Congressman or Senator were speaking honestly about the lopsided relationship with Israel which required suppressing, it was done by making sure that individual was not reelected. This was normally accomplished […]

Let’s Arm the Gazans!

Victims of aggression need America’s help! Well, here we go again. The Israelis, in collusion with no less than 420 criminals in the US Congress, have again ripped off the US taxpayer. I stop short of calling the congresscritters “traitors” because the US Constitution, which defines the word, requires that one actually be cooperating with […]

How Did the Perpetrators Do 9/11?

All it takes is a government conspiracy The twentieth anniversary of 9/11 has motivated some critics of the standard narrative to explore alternative explanations for what took place on that fatal day. To be sure, there has been considerable focus through the years on exactly what happened, analyzing the technical aspects of what made the […]

Israel’s Secret Arsenal: It’s Not So Secret Anymore

FEW AMERICANS ARE AWARE of the fact that no U.S. government official, to include congressmen, can in any way mention or discuss Israel’s nuclear arsenal, which is estimated by some observers to consist of as many as 200 tactical nuclear weapons which can be delivered on target by air, land or sea.

Israel’s Lawyer Speaks Up

Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran America’s foreign policy is a funny thing, except for the fact that it is no laughing matter. Given the recent sentencing of whistleblower Daniel Hale for revealing to the media that the US military’s drone program kills innocent civilians including many children 90% of the time, one has to wonder what […]

Was the Tanker Attack an Israeli False Flag?

An incident that could lead to a much bigger war In the United States we now live under a government that largely operates in secret, headed by an executive that ignores the constitutional separation of powers and backed by a legislature that is more interested in social engineering than in benefitting the American people. The […]

Another Israeli Spy Story: When Will It End?

One wonders when the penny will drop and the American people will rise up and say “enough is enough,” Philip Giraldi writes. It is perhaps not necessary to point out how the mainstream media in the United States as well as in Europe and Oceania persist in ignoring or otherwise covering up stories that make […]

Is the Tide Finally Turning?

A desperate Israel seeks to silence critics Targeting and killing Palestinian children could not accomplish what a decision by an ice cream company has achieved. To be sure, the visual impact of Israel’s recent onslaught on Gaza turned many against that country’s war crimes and its ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians, but what the Israeli […]

The War on Antisemitism Gains Momentum

Silencing criticism of Israel is the primary objective It has frequently been observed how Jewish organizations in the United States and Western Europe exploit their claimed perpetual victimhood to excuse their own ethnocentric manipulations while also providing cover for Israeli war crimes. What they refer to as the “Holocaust” is, of course, central to the […]

Change in the Middle East?

New Israeli government controls the agenda The media focus on the Summit meeting between Presidents Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin has to a certain extent crowded out news about the new government in Israel, headed by hardline nationalist Naftali Bennett. In those media outlets that are actually discussing the change there is an odd sort […]

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