Council for the National Interest
“War on Terror”

Europe Shows Resistance to US Drone Policies

John Whitbeck’s commentary: Transmitted below is an encouraging article on the European Parliament’s overwhelming (534-49) vote condemning the U.S. government’s lawless global assassination program, President Obama’s primary means of demonstrating to his critics that he does truly believe in American “exceptionalism”, and calling for criminal accountability for those complicit in the program. By Tyler Cullis. […]

Old Testament Armed Forces: Religious zealotry runs rampant in the U.S. military

By Philip Giraldi. The American Conservative, 2/12/14 – The connection between America’s wars in the Middle East—and its wars more generally—with the more fundamentalist forms of Christianity in the United States is striking. Opinion polls suggest that the more religiously conservative one is, the more one will support overseas wars or even what many might describe as […]

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