Council for the National Interest

Israeli Settler Assaults 12-Year-Old Palestinian Girl In Jerusalem

Jan 5 2014 / 7:55 pm

IMEMC, January 5, 2014 – According to media sources, an Israeli settler violently assaulted a 12-year-old Palestinian girl who was on her way to school this morning, in the old city of Jerusalem, reports Al Ray Palestinian Media Agency.

“Marah Munther Jalajil lives in Wadi Hilweh neighborhood, in Silwan, and goes every day to her school in the old city, crossing the Mughrabi gate,” her father said.

“While she was heading to school, accompanied by her aunt’s daughter, an Israeli settler passed them. Then, she suddenly felt a kick on her back and fell on the ground. The settler started kicking her by his feet and beating her on head and belly.”

She was bruised all over her body, according to medical sources.

Marah’s father added that her cousin quickly escaped from the scene and told some men about the incident, upon which they immediately headed to the site and helped Marah. The settler then ran away, her father said; he was later arrested by police, through the use of surveillance cameras.

Human rights group B’Tselem has stated that violent attacks on Palestinians in the city are routine, at times involving extreme violence, including the use of guns, stones and clubs. Israeli soldiers often witness the attacks but rarely intervene, and perpetrators are seldom prosecuted..

Posted by on Jan 5 2014 . Filed under News from the Middle East . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 . Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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