Council for the National Interest
Posts tagged as: AIPAC

Why Is AIPAC Suddenly So Silent on Iran? Israel Lobby Keeps Powder Dry Even as Deal Inches Closer

JTA (Reuters) As the United States and other powers negotiate down to the wire on a nuclear deal with Iran, one voice has been unusually quiet – the main pro-Israel lobby in Washington. Israel deeply distrusts the attempt to reach a deal at talks in Vienna that would lift harsh international sanctions on Iran in […]

The Selective Secrecy Of Bill De Blasio – AIPAC speech

“…here we are, with the lofty, pizza-challenged mayor of New York City, right after a landslide election, caught keeping a speech to AIPAC off his public itinerary and barring any press coverage of it. Weird, innit? What would he have to hide? Well here’s an audio of the speech that AIPAC, according to De Blasio, asked […]

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