The big loser in Cantor’s defeat
Jun 13 2014 / 9:24 pm
With the Obama administration now supporting the unified Palestine Liberation Organization-Hamas government of Mahmoud Abbas, over the strong objections of the increasingly racist and fascist Tel Aviv-Jerusalem regime, things look bleaker now than ever before for the Israel Lobby. And for that, patriotic Americans can truly be grateful.
By Wayne Madsen.
Wayne Madsen Report – The biggest loser in the surprise primary election loss of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor is the Israel Lobby. Cantor lost by a double-digit margin to former World Bank consultant Dave Brat, the candidate of the Tea Party. It is ironic that a former employee for such a bugbear for the Tea Party as the World Bank would become the “anti-globalist” Tea Party’s latest hero.
It is serendipitous that WMR finds itself reporting on Cantor’s loss from Abilene, Kansas, the birthplace and final resting place of President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Ike” rattled the cage of Israel and its supporters when he pressured Israel to withdraw its troops from the Sinai and Suez Canal during the 1956 Anglo-French-Israel attack on Egypt. The United States, by failing to support Israel, gave Egypt’s President Gamal Abdel Nasser a major victory over the twin global threats of colonialism and Zionism.
But back to Cantor. the vanquished House majority leader, who organized a number of congressional delegations to Israel, was the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and billionaire casino tycoon Sheldon Adelson’s best hope to become the first Jewish speaker of the House of Representatives or vice president of the United States. Those plans now lie in tatters. Not only did Cantor receive tons of cash from Adelson, but he benefited by huge financial support from the Rothschild investment front operation, the Blackstone Group, and billionaire Larry Ellison’s Oracle Corporation.
The Israel Lobby has resorted to their typical histrionics to describe Cantor’s loss. The Republican Jewish Coalition called Cantor’s defeat an “evil twist of fate,” as if Satan had worked the voting precincts of suburban Richmond and Culpeper, Virginia.
The “Lobby,” as it is known, will now turn their attention to Chicago, where its next best hope for national office, Mayor Rahm Emanuel, is on the political ropes as his 2015 re-election campaign looms. A recent Chicago Sun-Times poll showed that Emanuel has the support of only 29 percent of Chicago voters.
With the Obama administration now supporting the unified Palestine Liberation Organization-Hamas government of Mahmoud Abbas, over the strong objections of the increasingly racist and fascist Tel Aviv-Jerusalem regime, things look bleaker now than ever before for the Israel Lobby. And for that, patriotic Americans can truly be grateful.
Wayne Madsen is a Washington, DC-based investigative journalist and nationally-distributed columnist. He is the editor and publisher of the Wayne Madsen Report (subscription required).