Council for the National Interest

The Death of Free Speech in America?

Mar 17 2025 / 2:12 pm

You can thank Israel and its many friends

There should be little doubt in anyone’s mind that the “wag the dog” relationship between the United States and Israel has done terrible damage to American institutions and constitutional liberties. The US bipartisan unconditional support of the ongoing Israeli genocide of the Palestinian people has not gone unnoticed by the rest of the world which now despises America’s corrupt political system and its increasing bizarre and out of touch leadership. There were even reports this past week that Washington and Tel Aviv have been discussing shipping upwards of two million Palestinians to Sudan and Somalia, two of the most violent places on earth, to permit the development of Trump Gaza resort and the annexation of the rest of historic Palestine by Israel.

To be sure, the cancer at the heart of the Israel-US relationship, if one might even call it that, has been in place for a long time as American politicians scrambled to get their share of Jewish billionaire money in exchange for a carte blanche when it comes to Israeli misbehavior. I recall how in May 2023, the newly appointed Speaker of the House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy, spoke before the Israeli Knesset. McCarthy made it a point to flatter his Israeli hosts by emphasizing that traveling to Israel was his first foreign trip as speaker, underlining the value of the relationship.

McCarthy was accompanied by the usual cast of congressional toadies who flock to Israel during every recess. The group was bipartisan and included the loathsome Steny Hoyer of Maryland who has made and even led the groveling entourage more than twenty times. The ambition-driven McCarthy, who has never been accused of having a great deal of brain power, delivered a predictable speech that produced the pro forma standing ovations from the audience, but I would call attention to one part of it in particular where he said the following: “This is the foundation of our special relationship: We are the only two countries in history that were conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that we are all equal. Our values are your values. Our heritage is your heritage. Our dreams are your dreams. America is grateful for our friendship with Israel. We are a better nation because of it. And we must never shy away from defending it… As long as I am speaker, America will continue to support fully funding for security assistance in Israel.”

Nearly every line in this part of the McCarthy speech is basically either an out-and-out lie or a twisting of reality to such an extent that it is incomprehensible, but it has served as the congressional framework for the fleecing of the American people while also stripping them of their liberties. In roughly the same time frame, the US based Israel Lobby was separately working assiduously to criminalize any criticism of Jewish collective behavior and/or of the state of Israel. Nobody worked harder at the task than hyper-ambitious Florida Governor and presidential aspirant whose groveling performance in bowing to Jewish power and money during his own trip to Israel culminated in his signing a new state law that inter alia exploits the “hate” mechanism to criminalize nearly all criticism or even skepticism regarding Israeli apartheid, of the co-called holocaust narrative, or of the behavior of Jewish groups and individuals. At the signing, DeSantis boasted how the legislation was very clearly about protecting Israel, arguing that rejecting “Israel’s right to exist is antisemitism,” which is the line that prevails among both Democratic and Republican politicians currently and which has also been copied by many other state legislatures. Thirty-six other states in addition to Florida have penalized anyone seeking to either boycott Israel or accept doing so, sometimes to include denial of government jobs or benefits.

As it happens, during the past two weeks Donald Trump and his band of Zionist stooges have finally hit rock bottom with their arrest and threatened deportation of a student who had admittedly helped organize nonviolent campus demonstrations against the Israeli slaughter of the Gazans. This was followed by threats directed by Trump against a highly respected congressman who has been critical of a number of issues involving both the administration’s foreign policy and congress. At heart, both were and are First Amendment free speech issues and both rely on a White House presumption that because it names someone as a “threat” it has to provide no evidence that that is actually the case. And there in the Israel exception rule in place that allows the Jewish state to avoid any consequences for its actions. Any and all “free speech” which is critical of or offensive to the foreign nation to which most American politicians and much of the fawning mainstream American media owe their primary allegiance clearly is considered outside the pale of acceptable behavior, even when supportive of every value and principle to which US governments have hypocritically claimed to adhere.

Simultaneously, the government is pressuring America’s colleges and universities to stamp down hard on anyone who demonstrates in defense of the Palestinians, using the DeSantis formulation that they are both antisemites and terrorism supporters. Columbia University is being particularly hit hard and has had $400 million in federal research funds blocked. The Trump administration has demanded that Columbia make dramatic changes in student discipline and admissions before it just might discuss lifting the cancellation of the money and has also said the ultimatum was necessary because of what it described as Columbia’s failure to protect Jewish students from harassment. The Trump Administration has demanded that the university formalize its definition of antisemitism to include criticism of Israel and to place the school’s Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies Department under “academic receivership,” the equivalent of constant monitoring by the government. The university has rolled over, responding by cutting lose a number of students involved in the nonviolent demonstrations after suspending them and in some cases expelling them. Interestingly, Jewish counter demonstrators who were responsible for most of the violence faced no punishment or sanctions because, so the argument goes, it is all about antisemitism. Indeed, to demonstrate its seriousness, the Department of Justice has dispatched a Task Force to four American cities (New York, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles) to investigate the problem of antisemitism and Palestinian protests.

The student who was arrested graduated with a Masters Degree from Columbia in December of last year. He is Mahmoud Khalil a Palestinian man married to an American woman who is reportedly eight months pregnant. Khalil has legal permanent resident status in the US, the so called “green card.” The Trump administration, without citing any precedents or history of criminal behavior, has insisted that it can hold Khalil without charging him and can do whatever it wants with him, even though the only issue relating to him is that he was exercising his free speech, guaranteed by the First Amendment to the US Constitution.

Last Monday, President Trump confirmed that “Khalil’s arrest and attempted deportation are part of his administration’s effort to crack down on ‘students at Columbia and other Universities across the Country who have engaged in pro-terrorist, anti-Semitic, anti-American activity’… This is the first arrest of many to come.” Khalil has been shipped off to a federal prison in Louisiana one thousand miles from his home in Manhattan, presumably to distance him from supporters in New York, even though the government cannot produce any evidence that he threatened anyone or committed a crime. On Wednesday, the Department of Homeland Security released a document citing an alleged provision in immigration law that gives the government authority to deport anyone if “The Secretary of State has determined that [his/her] presence or activities in the United States would have serious adverse foreign policy consequences for the United States.” What those “consequences” might be in the case of Khalil was not described and should be considered challengeable by the defense lawyers.

The congressman who is being pressured is Tom Massie from Kentucky. He is considering running for the state’s soon to be vacated Senate seat, but Trump has called for him to “primaried” by the Republican Party so he will not even receive the nomination. Also, the Republican Jewish Coalition has pledged “unlimited spending to block Massie” if he decides to run. Massie is among the most consistent opponents of legislation to support Israel and to criminalize so-called antisemitism in the House, so the prospect of his running “is already generating fierce opposition from the local and national Jewish community.” Massie is best known in some circles for maintaining during an interview on Tucker Carlson’s program that he is the only Congressman who doesn’t have “an AIPAC guy” on his staff that serves as an Israel Lobby “babysitter.” Massie also opposes having members of Congress who are secret “dual nationals,” which would presumably would impact most on Jewish American legislators who also hold Israeli citizenship. Massie is highly respected in both conservative and libertarian circles and is consistently antiwar and also a critic of corruption and overspending on the part of the federal government. That is what passes for malevolent behavior these days.

If the Trump Administration, working hand-in-hand with the Israeli government and the US Israel Lobby, can get away with the trashing of the US Constitution’s most fundamental freedom that of free speech, there will be “hell to pay,” to employ Donald’s favorite metaphor. Once the principle is established that the head of state can do no wrong even when what is being done is visibly suicidal, the United States that we Americans now living once knew will be gone forever. And the tragedy is compounded as it will have largely come about in unnecessary service to a tiny racist nation that is manifestly and quite openly the most evil place on earth.

Posted by on Mar 17 2025 . Filed under CNI Authors, Commentary & Analysis, Costs to the U.S., Impact on Academia, Israel Lobby, Media distortion, Philip Giraldi . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 . You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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