By Billy House. National Journal – Newt Gingrich says all the attention to be paid in Las Vegas by GOP officials and wannabe presidents this weekend to billionaire campaign donor Sheldon Adelson—a patron of Gingrich’s 2012 White House bid—is something that won’t go away until genuine campaign finance reform occurs. “Whether it’s the Koch brothers or […]

Haaretz – Some 60 young, mainly Israeli, travelers have been arrested at a Peruvian archaeological site for what local media are describing as a late-night drunken, drug-addled sex orgy, Channel 2’s Mako website reported Tuesday. A Peruvian TV station billed the event as “a night of Israeli debauchery.” Stolen Inca artifacts, as well as marijuana and […]

By Jonathan Cook. The National – For the first time since the US launched the Middle East peace talks last summer, the Palestinian leadership may be sensing it has a tiny bit of leverage. Barack Obama met the Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas in Washington last week in what Palestinian officials called a “candid and difficult” […]

The Senate Intelligence Committee is as sclerotic and turf-obsessed as the agency it’s meant to regulate. By Philip Giraldi. The American Conservative – Government bureaucracies, like many private sector businesses, are initially created in response to a perceived need either to do something or provide a service. The Department of Defense in its current incarnation […]

By Philip Giraldi. UNZ – Harvard Professor Stephen Walt has described the current contretemps over Ukraine as “geostrategic incompetence of the highest order” on the part of the White House. Seconding that I would add that the central problem with the Obama foreign policy, guided as it is by a bundle of poorly defined principles, is that […]

By Philip Giraldi. AntiWar.com – Mitt Romney is the kind of guy who just never goes away, even when you really, really want him to. Readers will recall that Mitt had some funny ideas about foreign policy back in 2012, insisting that Russia was our “number one geopolitical foe.” He is now at it again, explaining what […]

By Richard Silverstein. RichardSilverstein.com – In the second case in which an Israeli either serving as, or running for president has been accused of sexual harassment, Israel’s News1 reveals that senior minister Silvan Shalom is being accused of engaging in a sex act with a subordinate in 1999. At the time, he was minister of science and technology. Shalom […]

By Alan Hart. AlanHart.net – On the face of it that’s a silly question and the speculation it represents – that Palestinian “President” Abbas could replaced by an Israeli agent or asset – is not worthy of discussion. But before dismissing it readers might do what I did and consider two things. The first is […]

The annexation of Crimea may be problematic, but it is less problematic than the occupation of the Palestinian territories by Israel. By Gideon Levy. Haaretz – Saddam Hussein has already been executed, and so has Osama bin Laden. But all is not lost for the enlightened West. There is a new devil, and his name […]

By Juan Cole. This post originally ran on Juan Cole’s Web page. TruthDig – Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s visit to Washington, D.C., this week was even more of a disaster for him than might have been expected. It did not help that the Crimea crisis had broken out, which rather cast a bad light on one […]