Emails from Israeli billionaire Haim Saban to Clinton’s inner circle, mainly relating to Israel Ha’aretz – Israeli-American tycoon and major Hillary Clinton donor Haim Saban had advised the Democratic nominee for U.S. president as early as June 2015 to distance herself from President Barack Obama’s policies on Israel, according to emails made public by WikiLeaks on […]

Nyman Levin was entrusted with the U.K. and the U.S.’ most sensitive nuclear secrets. Did he pass on some of those secrets to Dimona? By Avner Cohen and Meirion Jones, Haaretz The Friday of January 22, 1965, was one of those cold and gray English winter mornings. London may have been starting to swing, but not […]

Both Jeffrey Goldberg and Aaron David Miller are members of a hearty band of pro-Israel intellectuals and journalists. Both harbor deep hostility toward Iran which is nothing less than Iranophobia… Through his young adulthood, Goldberg was a devout follower of Meir Kahane… By Richard Silverstein, Tikkun Olam Despite the P5+1 nuclear deal between Iran and western powers including […]

In the post-9/11 era, pro-Israel donors, institutions and the Israel lobby have often fueled the very Islamophobia now suddenly catching fire in America, doing so as a strategy for smearing Palestinians. Promoting and showcasing anti-Muslim bigots has become a troubling pattern for the Israel lobby… By David Harris-Gershon, +972 Magazine, Tikkun Anti-Muslim rhetoric coming from American lawmakers and presidential […]

Report by JTA: “Ahead of the Iowa caucus: A Jewish guide to the presidential candidates” On Monday, Iowans will gather to launch the 2016 presidential election with an arcane ritual — the caucus. In living rooms and meeting halls throughout the state, caucus-goers will group themselves into clusters according to which presidential candidate they favor. By the end […]

Israel’s bureaucratic system of stealing children from their parents… Tikun Olam– January 9, 2016 By Richard Silverstein Daniella Vaknin’s daughter, Adel, at her settlement pre-school A few A few months ago, I wrote about a shocking Israeli Supreme Court decision which ratified the officially-sanctioned theft of children from a mixed Jewish-Palestinian couple and their adoption by an Orthodox Jewish couple […]

A powerful Israeli leader with a charismatic message that resonates deeply with tens or hundreds of thousands of Israelis writes: “Christmas has no place in this our holy land. Evangelicals must not gain a footing here. Expel the vampires from our land before they once again suck our blood.” Accused of murdering a Palestinian couple, he has never […]

How much are Jewish not-for-profit CEOs making? Click on each entry for more information. Forward– Transparency. Conversation. Fairness. Those are the aims of the Forward’s salary survey, now published for the seventh year. We shine a light on the gender composition and compensation of our top national not-for-profit leaders in the hopes that it will […]

Michael Douglas pledges to combat anti-Israel activity on campus, the first time that a Hollywood celebrity has offered to join with a world Jewish leader to visit U.S. college campuses and speak with students about Israel and the Jewish people. JTA — American actor Michael Douglas and Jewish Agency head Natan Sharansky will visit three U.S. […]

Like all ambitious U.S. Presidential candidates, Trump swears loyalty to Israel… pledges to move US embassy to Jerusalem… but tells Jewish Republicans they won’t support him because he doesn’t need their money – “You want to control your own politician” Jerusalem Post Donald Trump said he would move the US Embassy to Jerusalem. “They want […]