The self-inflicted cultural defenestration of what passes for Western Civilization in the United States continues apace. As George Orwell described the process in 1984 “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing […]

Hillary, the Establishment’s war candidate, though she carefully wraps it in humanitarian “liberal interventionism.” As Senator and Secretary of State, Hillary has always viewed a foreign crisis as an opportunity to use aggressive measures. She can always be relied upon to “do something,” a reflection of the neocon driven Washington foreign policy consensus…. By Philip […]

Pillorying Trump ignores how awful Hillary Clinton is in her own way. Hillaryland promises to bring with it a likelihood of more war, not only against various players in the Middle East, but also against Russia in Europe, as well as Syria and China in the Pacific….Carl Gershman of NED attacks Russia… By Philip Giraldi The relentless […]

Emails from Israeli billionaire Haim Saban to Clinton’s inner circle, mainly relating to Israel Ha’aretz – Israeli-American tycoon and major Hillary Clinton donor Haim Saban had advised the Democratic nominee for U.S. president as early as June 2015 to distance herself from President Barack Obama’s policies on Israel, according to emails made public by WikiLeaks on […]

…who is guilty of putting the interests of a foreign government ahead of those of the United States? …. friends of Israel come immediately to mind … and the Clintons… Bill’s one-sided pro-Israeli diplomacy at Camp David in 2000… January 2001 last minute pardon of Mossad agent Marc Rich, whose wife Denise was a major contributor to the Clintons… The […]

…The real danger of a Hillary in power comes with her consistently belligerent view of America’s role in the world, her own track record while in office, and her apparent willingness to create international conflicts where none are called for. Though Hillary is not so insane as to want to risk a nuclear war, she […]

Pluto-Zionists comprise the leading financial backers of Clinton. Her million-dollar backers, among the most powerful financiers and media moguls in America, include: George Soros ($6 million), Marc Benioff, Roger Altman, Steven Spielberg, Haim and Cheryl Saban ($3 million and counting), Jeffrey Katzenberg, Donald Sussman, Herb Sandler, Jay and Mark Pritzker, S. Daniel Abraham ($1 million), […]

The higher he climbed, the less Sanders spoke out against Israeli abuses of Palestinian rights. Still, Sanders’ record is a striking contrast to Hillary’s enthusiastic embrace of Israel’s right-wing leadership and contempt for the lives of Palestinians. But absent significant and ongoing pressure from his base, there’s little reason to believe a Sanders administration would be all that different […]

Report by JTA: “Ahead of the Iowa caucus: A Jewish guide to the presidential candidates” On Monday, Iowans will gather to launch the 2016 presidential election with an arcane ritual — the caucus. In living rooms and meeting halls throughout the state, caucus-goers will group themselves into clusters according to which presidential candidate they favor. By the end […]

Hillary boasts a host of dedicated aides, consultants and confidants advising her on foreign policy issues… Sanders, whose lack of interest in world affairs has been apparent throughout the campaign, has so far refrained from setting up any foreign policy team… By Nathan Guttman, Forward The top Democrats may be running neck and neck in the early […]