A pro-Israel organization, the JCRC of Boston, provided an all expense paid trip to Israel for ten Massachusetts state senators…. such trips violate ethics and conflict of interest standards By L. Michael Hager, CounterPunch Last December, the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Boston (JCRC), a pro-Israel lobbying organization, provided an expense-paid, ten-day trip to […]

Like all ambitious U.S. Presidential candidates, Trump swears loyalty to Israel… pledges to move US embassy to Jerusalem… but tells Jewish Republicans they won’t support him because he doesn’t need their money – “You want to control your own politician” Jerusalem Post Donald Trump said he would move the US Embassy to Jerusalem. “They want […]

Hillary Clinton’s article is a fawning, maudlin essay, typical of the writing of anyone seeking national political office in the U.S. who knows they must pay homage to their Israeli lord and master… By Robert Fantina, CounterPunch Although the United States is still ten months from its next exercise in electoral futility, most polls do not indicate what […]

Two key propaganda themes used to advance violent “regime change” in Libya in 2011 may have originated with rebel-inspired rumors passed on by Clinton’s private adviser Sidney Blumenthal (father of author Max Blumenthal) By Robert Parry, Consortium News To justify U.S. “regime changes,” the U.S. government has routinely spread rumors and made other dubious claims which […]

California State Assemblyman Travis Allen, who became a passionate supporter of Israel when he was in danger of losing his election, has introduced a bill that would forbid the state from doing business with companies participating in the BDS movement. This is part of a nation-wide campaign by Israel partisans. Jerusalem Post A Republican California […]

Rubio’s career has been funded from the beginning by multi-billionaire Israel partisans such as Normal Braman, Paul Singer, Sheldon Adelson, and Larry Ellison. He has close ties to the pro-Israel neocons who pushed the U.S. into the disastrous Iraq war, and he advocates positions that would likely lead to still more war and violence. – Sina […]

There is a substantial peace base in the Democratic Party, and virtually every one of his supporters would welcome an anti-Empire position…. It is most odd for a candidate to eschew a winning strategy. The conclusion is that interventionism is Bernie’s heartfelt conviction. By John V. Walsh, LewRockwell 9-23-15 – By now we have heard […]
the potential candidates demonstrated an inability to connect with reality and scrupulously avoided basing U.S. policies overseas on actual interests and available resources By Philip Giraldi The media are anointing former Hewlett-Packard Chief Executive Carly Fiorina as the winner of last Wednesday’s second Republican presidential-aspirant debate. They are saying that she was the best prepared […]

Identity politics is a fact of American life. There is a Congressional Black Caucus, a Congressional Hispanic Caucus and a Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus. Jewish lawmakers meet, they consult, their staffs check in with one another. Every four years, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee assembles a “Breakfast with Mishpocha” at political conventions. But there is […]

…in 2000, Clinton repeatedly secured the Tuesday-morning slot at national Jewish conferences for AIPAC and the Jewish Federations of North America, among others – a slot reserved for the most respected pro-Israel figure in Congress… For her 2016 bid, Clinton has lined up pro-Israel funding powerhouses who helped fuel her ’08 bid, like entertainment mogul […]