IMEMC – Held by Israel under arbitrary detention orders without charges or trial, 186 Palestinian detainees continued their hunger strike for the fourth day. In a press release, Sunday, the Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS) stated that the Administrative Detainees expressed that their hunger strike is their way to demand their legitimate rights, and called for […]

Ma’an News – Israel must stop shooting at Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip, Human Rights Watch said Friday, noting four have been killed near the border fence since the beginning of 2014. A report by the New York-based watchdog cited UN data which also said more than 60 civilians were wounded by Israeli gunfire near […]

By Philip Giraldi. UNZ – It is being reported that the attempt by Director of Central Intelligence John Brennan to steer the CIA away from paramilitary action and back towards conventional spying and analysis is not going well. Media coverage of the problem is depicting it as being partly driven by bureaucratic obstacles associated with budgeting and […]

Sheldon Adelson is known for using his billions to promote Israeli interests. The excerpt below is from “Gingrich: Only Campaign Finance Reform Will Limit Billionaire Influence” by Billy House. Gingrich was asked about the gathering of some top Republicans in Las Vegas for what officially is the spring meeting of the Republican Jewish Coalition. Some have even […]

By Nancy Murray. Mondoweiss – If the Israeli government has indeed ordered its spies “to dig up intelligence” showing links between the supporters of BDS and “terrorists and enemy states” as reported in the February 11, 2014 London Times, it may find that it already has as much information as it needs in its data banks. As described […]

Seymour Hersh documents Ankara’s efforts to pull the U.S. into the Levant. By Philip Giraldi. The American Conservative – If you had been a reader of The American Conservative magazine back in December 2011, you might have learned from an article written by me that “Unmarked NATO warplanes are arriving at Turkish military bases close to Iskenderum […]

By Philip Giraldi. UNZ – I recently had an interesting lunch with a foreign academic who is in the US on a one year sabbatical to study how the political process in Washington shapes foreign policy. She asked me why the United States has a foreign policy that does not appear to serve actual US […]

By Mohammed Omer. WRMEA – I drag our suitcases, mine and my pregnant wife Lina’s, through the often impenetrable Rafah Crossing, at the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt. It’s a ritual carried out by thousands whenever it is announced that the border will be open. Even so, would-be travelers wonder whether they will […]

By Philip Giraldi. The American Conservative – Washington’s unwillingness to use diplomacy to resolve international conflicts has proven remarkably consistent over the past 13 years. Even chalking it up to ineptitude would let the Bush and Obama administrations off the hook for what are apparently more systemic failures. I am referring to an inability to […]
Apr 10 2014 | Posted in
Iran |
Philip Giraldi |
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It’s time for the secretary of state to insist on America’s position on Middle East peace. By Zbigniew Brzezinski, Frank Carlucci, Lee Hamilton, Carla A. Hills, Thomas Pickering and Henry Siegman. Politico Magazine – Israelis are right to demand that Palestinians recognize the fact of the state of Israel and its legitimacy, which Palestinians in fact […]