Council for the National Interest
Archive for: May, 2014

Israel Rejects Sovereignty Deal with Vatican

IMEMC – Israel says that it has “no intention” of giving the Vatican sovereignty over a Jerusalem holy site, amid protests by ultra-Orthodox Jews which are marking Pope Francis’ upcoming visit. “Contrary to rumors in Israel, there is no intention to transfer to the Vatican sovereignty or ownership on the Tomb of David or the […]

Israel Is Serious About Spying, But Not About Peace

By Philip Giraldi. UNZ – In the real world diplomacy is most often successful when two sides represent parties that can each speak with one voice and that have clearly defined objectives that they seek to attain within the framework of a final agreement. This perhaps explains why so many United States’ negotiations worldwide, often […]

A Response to the Question: “Why Aren’t Muslims Condemning Boko Haram?”

It’s time we ask a different question. By Sohaib Sultan. TIME – As a leader in the Muslim community, just about every time a crazy Muslim or group of Muslims do something insane in the world, I am asked or prominently hear this question being asked, “Why aren’t Muslims condemning this?!” The latest example of […]

Israel partisan and Dem money man Rahm Emanuel backs Hillary Clinton

Our note: Rahm Emanuel, a dual Israeli citizen (his father was in a terrorist group) who volunteered with the Israeli military during the first Gulf War, is known as a money man for the Democratic Party. He has just announced his support for Hillary Clinton for President. Does he hope he’ll end up number two on her […]

Israeli spying on US at ‘alarming level’

AFP – Israel spies on the United States more than any other ally does and these activities have reached an alarming level, Newsweek magazine reported Tuesday. The main targets are US industrial and technical secrets, the weekly said, quoting classified briefings on legislation that would make it easier for Israeli citizens to get visas to enter […]

Update on Hunger Strikes: Administrative Detainees put in Solitary Confinement, Denied Salt Supplements

ADDAMEER, Occupied Ramallah – The latest wave of mass hunger strikes continue for the 14th day as Palestinian prisoners demand the end of the policy of administrative detention. Administrative detention is a procedure in which Palestinians are arbitrarily arrested and detained without charge or trial based on a secret file. There are currently 183 Palestinians under […]

Recovering the Founders’ Foreign Policy

Ideologues across the political spectrum stand between Americans and a constitutionally modest approach to foreign affairs. By Philip Giraldi. Some years back I would have described myself as a conservative Republican. My understanding of what that meant was shaped by two leading conservatives of that era, during my college years William F. Buckley, and somewhat […]

Rand Paul Plays the Israel Card: And Not for the First Time

By Philip Giraldi. UNZ – The fundamental problem with Senator Rand Paul is that it is difficult to discern what he actually stands for. Or if he stands for anything at all. His defenders, and there are many in that category who rightly hope for a shake-up in American politics, often suggest that he will […]

What kind of country throws a teen out of an IDF jeep?

Haaretz – Without money, a phone or identity papers, Fadel Tamimi’s 14-year-old son was thrown out of an Israeli army jeep, in the dead of night, 15 kilometers away from home, after being interrogated. By Gideon Levy and Alex Levac. If a man falls from a plane in the middle of the night God alone can raise […]

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert Gets 6 Years for Bribery

IMEMC – Former Israeli PM Ehud Olmert sentenced was sentenced to six years in prison by a Tel Aviv court, on Tuesday, for accepting bribes in connection with a major Jerusalem land development, according to media reports. Israel’s main radio stations, broadcasting live from the court room, said that Judge David Rosen sentenced Olmert to six years […]

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