Council for the National Interest
Archive for: September, 2014

EU source: Gaza reconstruction aid is ‘made in Israel’

At least 65,000 people in the Gaza Strip are homeless after the recent seven-week conflict. Infrastructure ranging from water desalination centres to power plants lies in ruins. No formal Israeli ban prevents the import of reconstruction materials that were not made in Israel, but EU sources speaking on condition of anonymity say that in practice, Israeli security […]

How Israel Silences Dissent

By Mairav Zonszein. The New York Times – JAFFA, Israel — On July 12, four days after the latest war in Gaza began, hundreds of Israelis gathered in central Tel Aviv to protest the killing of civilians on both sides and call for an end to the siege of Gaza and the Israeli occupation of the […]

Christian Evangelicals Increasingly Support Palestinian Human Rights

By Alison Weir. CounterPunch – An article in Middle East Quarterly, a pro-Israel publication, reports that support for Israel is eroding among American evangelical Christians, with only 30 percent in a recent survey stating support for Israel above Palestinians. This trend is even more pronounced among youth, according to an article by David Brog, Jewish-American executive director of “Christians United […]

Iran the Perpetual Enemy?

By Philip Giraldi. The Unz – The reports of the latest military action in Syria and Iraq has pushed most other foreign news out of the US media. This has been good for the neoconservatives, who have been urging an even more aggressive intervention, to include US boots on the ground. Since so much mainstream media coverage […]

Here Come the Kagans – Their War Plan to Defeat the Islamic State

By Stephen J. Sniegoski. Opinion Maker – Before discussing the recently- released Kagan war plan, let’s begin this essay by acknowledging the serious faults in President Obama’s plan to rid the world of the Islamic State, or as he calls the group, ISIL, aka ISIS. (For a change of pace, it will be called the […]

David Brooks’ Son Is In the Israeli Army: Does It Matter?

By Rob Eshman. Jewish Journal – One of the more interesting nuggets buried in a long, Hebrew-language interview with New York Times columnist David Brooks in the recent Ha’aretz magazine is the revelation, toward the very end, that Brooks’s oldest son serves in the Israel Defense Forces. “Brook’s connection to Israel was always strong,” the article reports.  “He […]

Rewards and Punishments for Gaza

By Philip Giraldi. The Unz – Those of us who believe that the Israeli government has finally gone too far in its slaughter of Gazan civilians because the whole world, including most Americans, finally recognize something called ethnic cleansing at a level approaching genocide when they see it, should be aware that pushback has arrived. Israel […]

Obama’s Failed Foreign Policy Change

By Philip Giraldi.  The American Conservative – President Barack Obama presents something of a dilemma. I voted for him twice in the belief that he was basically a cautious operator who would not rush into a new war in Asia, unlike his Republican opponents who virtually promised to attack Iran upon assuming office. Unfortunately, Obama’s second […]

Senate Torture Report Vanishes

By Philip Giraldi. The Unz – The crisis involving the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is a Godsend to politicians, which is probably why the threat actually posed by the group is being hyped as it is while the White House and Pentagon continue to change the meaning of commonly used English expressions to enable […]

More Than 100 Muslim Clerics Sign Letter Condemning ISIS

By Rob Garver. The Fiscal Times – Top Muslim leaders in the United States on Wednesday released a detailed refutation of claims by the terrorist group ISIS that its actions in Iraq and Syria are in keeping with Islamic law. The letter, signed by 111 prominent clerics from around the world, lists dozens of ways in which the […]

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