Council for the National Interest
Archive for: October, 2014

NPR’s standards editor & ombudsman minimize and/or ignore NPR ethics requirements regarding David Brooks

By Alison Weir. – In recent weeks I’ve phoned and emailed the NPR ombudsman’s office several times about commentator David Brooks’ conflict of interest – Brooks’ son has been serving in the Israeli military while Brooks has been commenting on Israel without divulging that his son was in the Israeli army. Ombudsmen are charged with […]

My email to New York Times Public Editor about David Brooks’ conflict of interest

By Alison Weir. – Today I sent the following email to the New York Times Public Editor’s office: In September 2014, New York Times Public Editor Margaret Sullivan wrote: “The Times could do a lot more to alert readers about conflicts of interests of sources used by the paper.” Similarly, The Times could and should do […]

My email to New York Times Public Editor about David Brooks’ conflict of interest

By Alison Weir. – Today I sent the following email to the New York Times Public Editor’s office: In September 2014, New York Times Public Editor Margaret Sullivan wrote: “The Times could do a lot more to alert readers about conflicts of interests of sources used by the paper.” Similarly, The Times could and should […]

Settlements or Neighborhoods? NPR Takes Netanyahu’s Side

FAIR – NPR‘s Morning Edition (10/8/14) decided to examine the terminology used to describe Israel’s illegal building projects in the West Bank, which could have been a useful exercise. Unfortunately, its sole source for the discussion was an Israeli newspaper columnist who essentially endorsed the Israeli government’s misleading rhetoric. NPR aired excerpts from a recent interview with Israeli Prime […]

Foreign Policy by Ted Cruz

By Philip Giraldi. The Unz – The really interesting thing about the Junior Senator from Texas is the fact that he demonstrates that anyone who wants it badly enough can become president. It is, of course, something for which there is a precedent, when voters elected an inexperienced and largely unknown Barack Obama. Cruz shares Obama’s lack […]

How the Israel Lobby Set Beto O’Rourke Right

By Nathan Guttman. The Jewish Daily Forward – It took only one wrong vote to teach a freshman Democrat from Texas how sensitive, and even wrathful, the Jewish community can be when it comes to Israel. But the real story of what happened to Rep. Beto O’Rourke did not stop with the angry reaction he got when […]

A Poison Pill for the Iran-Nuke Deal

By Paul R. Pillar. ConsortiumNews – Many in Congress continue to march in lockstep with the dictates of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu who wants endless hostility toward Iran even if that torpedoes a deal to constrain Iran’s nuclear program. That includes a pointless demand for a past confession, notes ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar. Some of the […]

The Israel Lobby ‘In Defense of Christians’?

By Maidhc Ó Cathail. The Unz – Having long since captured the sympathies of America’s evangelical Christians, Israel’s friends have recently been attempting to show empathy for the persecuted Christian churches of the Arab World in what appears to be a concerted effort to garner support for Tel Aviv’s regional aspirations. Only founded earlier this year, a previously obscure non-profit organization called “In Defense of Christians” suddenly attracted international headlines […]

Why Yom Kippur Tells Us to Fight Ebola

By Ruth W. Messinger. The Jewish Daily Forward – As Jews around the world prepare for Yom Kippur — a day when we pray to be “sealed in the Book of Life” for the year to come — the people of West Africa are struggling to save the lives of their loved ones from the Ebola […]

Argentina Jews Blast Palestinian Fundraiser at Congress

By JTA. The Jewish Daily Forward – BUENOS AIRES — A Jewish group is calling a Palestinian fundraising campaign at the Argentine Congress an endorsement of Hamas’ anti-Semitic hate and violence. The Argentine Congress on Thursday will launch the campaign “Palestine Resists, Argentina Arises,” led by the president of the Friends of Palestine Parliamentary Group, Leonardo Grosso; […]

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