Council for the National Interest
Archive for: September, 2015

Foreign Policy by Intimidation: GOP Candidates Show How It’s Done

the potential candidates demonstrated an inability to connect with reality and scrupulously avoided basing U.S. policies overseas on actual interests and available resources By Philip Giraldi The media are anointing former Hewlett-Packard Chief Executive Carly Fiorina as the winner of last Wednesday’s second Republican presidential-aspirant debate. They are saying that she was the best prepared […]

The CIA’s Torture Defenders

The seven men who contributed to the book (George Tenet, Michael Hayden, Porter Goss, John McLaughlin, Michael Morell, Jose Rodriguez, John Rizzo, and Philip Mudd) are, with the exception of Mudd, quite likely guilty of war crimes By Philip Giraldi Back in the days when I was a spy there were certain things that one […]

Israel’s Agent of Influence: Senator Ben Cardin shows how it’s done

So who does Cardin actually represent? I would suggest that he fits the mold of the classic agent of influence in that his allegiance to the United States is constrained by his greater loyalty to a foreign nation. By Philip Giraldi – “An agent of influence is an agent of some stature who uses his […]

How AIPAC May Win by Losing the Iran Deal

A Foreign Policy investigation shows the lengths to which the powerful pro-Israel lobby goes to avoid disclosing its influence. Bill Allison, Foreign Policy –The numbers are eye-opening: The American Israel Public Affairs Committee saw its annual budget skyrocket in just 13 years from $15.8 million to $64.3 million in 2013 — the most recent year […]

A Refugee Crisis Made in America

In 2008, on the front page, was a color photo of a two year old Iraqi boy being pulled from the rubble of a house that had been destroyed by American missiles. The little boy was wearing shorts and a t-shirt and had on his feet flip-flops. His head was hanging back at an angle […]

Shooting Children Becomes Israeli Policy: Netanyahu’s response to kids throwing rocks

By Philip Giraldi – I have become weary of the dancing around by politicians and denial by Jewish organizations over what Israel has been doing to the Palestinians. That anyone can with a straight face deny that there is anything wrong with a nearly fifty year occupation and strangling of the Palestinians because they have […]

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Click image to watch videos from the National Summit to reassess the U.S.-Israel "Special Relationship".

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