What constitutes evidence that a high-value target is actually near or using the phone being tracked? Is it now assumed that anyone fitting a profile residing in an area controlled by ISIS or al-Qaeda affiliate al-Nusra a legitimate target? As the information is being provided by the Pentagon anonymously, its release is actually authorized, even […]

Between January 2014 and June 2015 there were more than 300 incidents on 65 college campuses in 24 states involving intimidation or prevention of protests against Israel. Students at Northeastern University distributing flyers at dorms were interrogated by campus police and had their group suspended by college authorities… Richard Blum, a member of the University […]

“The oil companies certainly wanted to have access to Iraqi oil but they wanted to do this in peaceful ways. Thus the oil companies were pushing for an end to sanctions against Iraq. A May 2001 Business Week article, for example, reported that the issue of easing sanctions on so-called rogue states ‘pits powerful interests […]

By Alison Weir, Associated Press Deconstructed As is typical, AP’s story is written by an individual with strong connections to Israel. Aron Heller grew up in Israel, graduated from Tel Aviv University, and may be an Israeli citizen. It is likely that he or members of his family have served in the Israeli military. None […]

There is a substantial peace base in the Democratic Party, and virtually every one of his supporters would welcome an anti-Empire position…. It is most odd for a candidate to eschew a winning strategy. The conclusion is that interventionism is Bernie’s heartfelt conviction. By John V. Walsh, LewRockwell 9-23-15 – By now we have heard […]

The strategic goal in Syria is not what your faithful mainstream media servants have you believe… it is to heighten the level of internecine conflict in that country to the point where Syria will not be able to serve as a bulwark against Israeli regional hegemony for at least another generation. How do we know? […]