Council for the National Interest
Archive for: November, 2016

Trump and the Media: They hate him and will never relent

Many of us have longed for a president who will shake up the smug oligarchy that runs the New York-Washington bankster-crooked politician axis. Trump may or may not be that man but he at least deserves a chance to prove himself, particularly if he is genuinely interested in détente with Russia and is unwilling to […]

Trump the Anti-Semite? Or is it just that liberal Jews hate Trump?

Someone should tell them that calling someone an anti-Semite is fortunately a slur that is losing its effectiveness through overuse and lack of credibility. Joe Sobran put it very well when he observed that anti-Semite used to be an expression applied to people who hate Jews but now it is more often used to describe […]

Oh, What a Lovely War! Analysis on Hillary’s foreign policy vs Trump

Hillary, the Establishment’s war candidate, though she carefully wraps it in humanitarian “liberal interventionism.” As Senator and Secretary of State, Hillary has always viewed a foreign crisis as an opportunity to use aggressive measures. She can always be relied upon to “do something,” a reflection of the neocon driven Washington foreign policy consensus…. By Philip […]

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