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Stories written by PhilipGiraldi

Tucker Carlson Exposes Zionist Hypocrisy on Immigration

Jewish establishment embraces immigrants but only in America Well, the cat is finally well and truly out of the bag when it comes to Israeli and organized Jewry’s hypocrisy. The unprincipled attack on Tucker Carlson by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) over his alleged “white supremacism” included a demand to Fox News that he be fired. […]

The Magic of Israel

Now you see it, now you don’t The popular narrative of plucky little Israel prevailing over hordes of bloodthirsty Arabs has captured the Western imagination even though it is manifestly false in almost every detail. But Israel’s greatest accomplishment might well be something else, it’s ability to make things disappear. It plausibly all began in […]

The Yankees Are Coming Home: The Taliban Won. Get Over It

American soldiers can still win wars, but it has to be a real war where there is something genuine at stake, like protecting one’s home and family. It hardly made the evening news, but the New York Times reported last week that after twenty years of fighting the Taliban are confident that they will fully control Afghanistan before […]

Would Israel Blackmail a US Congressman?

Should there be any doubt? Israel has been involved in several stories currently making their way through the US media. The most fascinating tale concerns Republican Party Congressman from Florida Matt Gaetz. Gaetz is a Donald Trump loyalist who has up until recently been touted as the party’s future. Young, photogenic and a “firebrand” defender […]

Christians Are White Supremacist Extremists

But don’t mention the Palestinians The California State Board of Education has finally passed its Ethnic Studies curriculum including discussion of Jews, emphasizing their victimhood and contributions to the United States, without including any other “white” ethnicities, several of which are far more numerous than are Jewish Americans. Or perhaps the Jewish “advisers” who collaborated on creating […]

The Endless War: Afghanistan Goes On and On

All indications are that the Pentagon will be able to maneuver more effectively in Washington than on the battlefield. Given the present atmosphere in Washington in which there is no lie so outrageous as to keep it out of the mainstream media, a great deal of policy making takes place without even key players in […]

America Against the World: Everyone Is a Frenemy

Anyone who expected a change in tone in foreign policy due to the transition from Trump to Biden has to be disappointed. There are certainly a number of reasons why the United States government is now only viewed favorably by the Israelis, but totally tone deaf foreign and economic policies have to be right up […]

The Puppet Masters: Is There Really a Deep State?

The danger posed by the Deep State is that it wields immense power but is unelected and unaccountable, Phil Giraldi writes. As a former intelligence officer, I find it amusing to read articles in the mainstream media that blithely report how the latest international outrages are undoubtedly the work of CIA and the rest of […]

Is Joe Biden Enabling Russiagate 2?

His national security team provides the script The old expression that “lightning never strikes the same place twice” is frequently used in the aftermath of a truly awful experience, meaning that the odds are that something exactly like that will never occur again. Unfortunately, however, we Americans will now have to endure lightning striking twice […]

The Intellectually Superior Perpetual Victim Again on Display

Bret Stephens tells us all about it Those who have followed developments in the Middle East would likely agree that Israel covers up its war crimes and other human rights violations by regularly invoking its own victimhood. Whether the subject is U.S. aid to the Jewish state or media coverage of the illegal expansion of […]

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