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Stories written by PhilipGiraldi

Israel Perfecting Surveillance Tech

Israel’s external spy organization Mossad and its internal espionage equivalent Shin Bet have reputations that are much larger than their actual successes, but the one area where they have excelled is electronic intelligence gathering. Recent electronic spying around the White House and other federal buildings in Washington carried out by the Israeli Embassy demonstrates that […]

Toothless Congress Fails to Limit Presidential War Powers

Some weeks ago, the world woke up to the fact that World War III had just started without anyone being invaded or shots fired. It began when American President Donald J. Trump declared himself to be a “war president” in the fight against the coronavirus, an assertion that now has been followed by a claim that the disease is […]

Israel to Annex the United States

Ambassador predicts a “deepening connection” As the Beatles once put it, “I read the news today, oh boy…” One might argue that the “oh boy” has been part and parcel of one’s morning media review ever since 9/11, but depending on one’s own inclinations, the daily content might well be considered particularly depressing over the […]

Trump Against the Government: Officials Conflicted Over Lying for the President

Once upon a time in the United States there was a consensus among national politicians that there were two areas where there should be a unified approach to policy. They were national security and foreign policy, both of which involved other nations, which made desirable a perception of unity on the part of the president […]

Israel’s War Crimes Have Killed Americans

If the president loves to honor the military, start with the U.S.S. Liberty Imagine if you will a ship from a nation not at war with anyone sailing in international waters on a quiet June day being suddenly attacked by unidentified warplanes and torpedo boats, their markings covered up to conceal their country of origin. […]

Hasidic Jews Defy New York’s Lockdown

When does religious observance override community health? Last Tuesday an estimated 2,500 male Hasidic Jews gathered in the streets of the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn to attend the funeral of Rabbi Chaim Mertz. The gathering was contrary to New York City’s coronavirus lockdown, which forbids gatherings of more than ten persons while also mandating that individuals must […]

America the Victim: Are Enemies Lining Up for Revenge in the Wake of the Coronavirus?

When in trouble politically, governments have traditionally conjured up a foreign enemy to explain why things are going wrong. Whatever one chooses to believe about the coronavirus, the fact is that it has resulted in considerable political backlash against a number of governments whose behavior has been perceived as either too extreme or too dilatory. […]

George Soros in His Own Words

George Soros is a billionaire Hungarian-born investor who is extremely controversial due to his promotion of what he chooses to define as democracy and free-trade movements, primarily conducted through the Open Society Foundations, which he founded and has funded with $32 billion, according to one estimate. He contributed to the campaigns of Barack Obama and […]

A Government Against the People

Loyalty to the president is the chief qualification The 24/7 intensified media coverage of the coronavirus story has meant that other news has either been ignored or relegated to the back pages, never to be seen again. The Middle East has been on a boil but coverage of the Trump administration’s latest moves against Iran has been […]

Netanyahu Is Back Yet Again

Israel will become much bigger Rahm Emanuel, up until recently the mayor of Chicago and before that a top advisor to the president in the Bill Clinton and Barack Obama White Houses and still earlier a volunteer in the Israeli Army, famously once commented that a good crisis should never be allowed to go to […]

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