Council for the National Interest
Media distortion

How the Big Papers Remember Ariel Sharon

By Peter Hart. FAIR, January 13, 2014 – Reading the pieces in the Sunday editions of the New York Times and the Washington Post (3/12/14) about the death of  former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, one gets the sense that reporters were aware of some of Sharon’s bloodiest history–but mostly kept that out of their accounts of his life. […]

Former ambassador to Israel to join CNN new team

Jewish Telegraphic Agency, January 17, 2014 – Michael Oren, the former Israeli ambassador to the United States, will be a contributor to CNN. “Michael will be joining CNN as a Middle East contributor,” a spokeswoman for Oren told JTA in a statement. Oren, a U.S.-born historian who served as ambassador from 2009 until September, now […]

Myra Noveck & the New York Times: Another journalist with children in the Israeli military

By Alison Weir. CounterPunch,  July 26, 2013 – The New York Times recently published a news brief, reporting that Israel is going to re-investigate an incident in which an American citizen, Tristan Anderson, was permanently maimed. Anderson suffered extensive brain damage (part of his frontal lobe was destroyed) and paralysis, and was blinded in one eye, after Israeli soldiers shot him with a […]

American media distortion on Palestine

By Alison Weir. Middle East Monitor, May 1, 2013 – Thirteen years ago I knew very little about Israel-Palestine. Like most Americans, this seemed to be a distant, confusing conflict that had little to do with me. I was unaware –again, like most Americans – that American taxpayers give Israel over $8 million per day, […]

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