Council for the National Interest

The Dancing Israelis: Trump was right about 9/11 but they weren’t Muslims

There were indeed people celebrating as the Twin Towers were burning, but they were not Muslims. They were Israelis….. A number of cover companies in New Jersey, Florida and also on the west coast served as spying mechanisms for Mossad officers. The effort was supported by the Mossad Station in Washington D.C… By Philip Giraldi […]

Online database ‘exposes’ pro-Palestinian college students in bid to block future jobs

Ha’aretz – A new website is publicizing the identities of pro-Palestinian student activists to prevent them from getting jobs after they graduate from college. But the website is keeping its own backers’ identity a secret. “It is your duty to ensure that today’s radicals are not tomorrow’s employees,” a female narrator intones in a slick video posted to the […]

How Israel’s Dimona nuclear reactor was concealed from the U.S. – Ha’aretz

New Documents on how Israel hid its nuclear weapons program from the U.S. Amir Oren, Ha’aretz – One of the most fascinating historical turning points in the saga of nuclear development in the Middle East links Israel to Iran: the current prospect of the Iranians purchasing Russian S-300 ground-to-air missiles to protect their nuclear facilities […]

Who Did the Eavesdropping? What Did Mossad Steal and Whom Did They Share it With?

…Which leaves the possibility of a spy within the American negotiating team or back in Washington, someone in the room willing to feed the information to the Israelis. Indeed, several members of the U.S. delegation are on record as being hostile to the Iranians, including chief negotiator Wendy Sherman… …the GOP is now being described […]

Anti-Iran Media Drumbeat, Fueled by Israel, Increases as Deal Deadline Nears

Detailed background information on the individuals pushing the anti-Iran narrative in recent articles published by the Washington Post, New York Times, Time magazine, etc …Michael Hayden, a spook from the Bush administration who ran both the NSA and CIA …  He also is a partner in the Chertoff Group, founded by Bush’s Homeland Security czar, […]

Who Spies for Israel in Washington’s Nuclear Negotiations?

Five officials have the history, contacts and access to secret negotiations that make them prime candidates for spying for Israel… Wendy Sherman fits all the criteria… By James Petras Introduction The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) (3/25/15) headlined: ‘Israel Spied on Iran Nuclear Talks with the US”.  The article goes on to detail the way in […]

Netanyahu’s Spying Denials Contradicted by Secret NSA Documents

…top-secret NSA documents state that Israel targets the U.S. government for invasive electronic surveillance, and does so more aggressively and threateningly than almost any other country in the world… some key U.S. government documents — including the top secret 2013 intelligence budget — list Israel among the U.S.’s most threatening cyber-adversaries and as a “hostile” foreign intelligence service. By […]

For Once, Don’t Blame the Israelis – Philip Giraldi

Was the intelligence obtained through a spy in the room feeding the information to the Israelis? ?A spy is, regrettably, more likely and one has to wonder if the leaker was/is part of the American delegation…” The recent revelation that the Israelis had obtained classified information relating to the P5+1 negotiations with Iran over the […]

Lawsuit says Caltech Provost and others ignored Israeli spying and then retaliated against whistleblower

Dr. Troian’s allegations describe subversion of one of America’s most important scientific institutions and provide a potential case study of how U.S. taxpayer funded scientific technology is stolen by Israel. 01/14/15 – Following is a deeply disturbing excerpt from a civil lawsuit filed by a Caltech professor against Caltech, often named the world’s top research […]

Government’s Closed-Source Intelligence

By Philip Giraldi. The American Conservative – In a recent discussion I had with Scott Horton on his radio show, we speculated as to why the White House, which surely includes very many smart, hard-working, and responsible people, just cannot seem to recognize the cognitive dissonance inherent in supporting contradictory policies in places like Syria. Supporting the […]

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