Council for the National Interest
Israel Lobby

Christians Are White Supremacist Extremists

But don’t mention the Palestinians The California State Board of Education has finally passed its Ethnic Studies curriculum including discussion of Jews, emphasizing their victimhood and contributions to the United States, without including any other “white” ethnicities, several of which are far more numerous than are Jewish Americans. Or perhaps the Jewish “advisers” who collaborated on creating […]

The Intellectually Superior Perpetual Victim Again on Display

Bret Stephens tells us all about it Those who have followed developments in the Middle East would likely agree that Israel covers up its war crimes and other human rights violations by regularly invoking its own victimhood. Whether the subject is U.S. aid to the Jewish state or media coverage of the illegal expansion of […]

What to Do About Israel?

Here are some suggestions Critics of U.S. policy with and about Israel like myself have been relatively successful in describing the considerable downside in the bilateral status quo. We have demonstrated that the lopsided relationship supports absolutely no U.S. interest and that, on the contrary, considerable damage is done to the American people, to include involvement […]

ICC to Investigate Israeli War Crimes

United States will punish ICC Well, as usual, there is good news and bad news. The good news is that the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague has finally received authorization to proceed with the investigation of possible war crimes and crimes against humanity in Israel-Palestine, to include both the Israel Defense Force (IDF) […]

Another Zionist Joins the Biden Team

Neuberger will make our cyber secure? It does not require any particularly perspicacity to realize that the President Joe Biden Administration has been loaded with Zionists who not only believe in their own vision for Greater Israel but also in some cases have strong and enduring ties to the Israeli government itself. The new Secretary […]

Why Always Israel? Only One Country Matters to Congress and the Media

Pandering to Israel as part of the political process in the United States has become part of the DNA of both major parties. The job of U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations must have some kind of curse on it as it seems to attract a type of woman who seeks to prove her suitability […]

Israel Cracks the Whip

Netanyahu tells Biden how to deal with Iran Anyone who persists in believing that the United States is not Israel’s poodle should pay attention to the comedy that is playing out right now. Joe Biden was president for less than a week when the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu government announced that he would soon be […]

Trump’s Unpardonable Pardons

Another disgraceful performance from “Israel’s president” One keeps hearing that former President Donald Trump will be judged well by the history books because he was the only American head of state in recent memory who did not start any new wars. Well, the claim is itself questionable as Jimmy Carter, for all his faults, managed […]

Pompeo’s Last Stand

The neocons and the media demand tough talk and even tougher action from their candidate and Pompeo is already running hard to oblige them. It is finally over. Joe Biden has been inaugurated President of the United States while his predecessor Donald Trump has retired to Florida. Trump intends to remain the driving force in […]

Goodbye Sheldon Adelson

The malignant toad is dead Casino magnate and Israeli patriot multi-billionaire Sheldon Adelson, one of the world’s richest men, died in Las Vegas on January 11th at age 87. He had been suffering from cancer and has been buried at the Mount of Olives Cemetery in Israel. When his body arrived in Israel it was met by […]

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