Addameer – On 12 June, it was announced that three illegal Israeli settlers disappeared on the roads between Hebron and Bethlehem. Since the announcement, the Israeli government has sanctioned widespread attacks on Palestinians in the form of invasions, mass arrests, killings, home demolitions and new legislation that curbs the rights of Palestinians and prisoners. The […]

Jewish Telegraphic Agency – Canadians were evenly split in their support for Israel and the Palestinians, according to a new poll. The survey by the Toronto-based Forum Research found that 17 percent of respondents sided with Israel in the Middle East conflict, while 16 percent favored the Palestinians. Fully 64 percent said they lean toward neither side, and […]

Jewish Telegraphic Agency – A Facebook page that calls on Israel to execute a Palestinian murderer every hour until three kidnapped Israeli teens are returned has garnered more than 19,000 likes. [Ed. Note: 5,271 Palestinians are currently being held by Israel, 196 of them minors. In the past 14 years, Israeli forces have killed 1,523 […]

By Philip Giraldi. The American Conservative – In a recent discussion I had with Scott Horton on his radio show, we speculated as to why the White House, which surely includes very many smart, hard-working, and responsible people, just cannot seem to recognize the cognitive dissonance inherent in supporting contradictory policies in places like Syria. Supporting the […]

Addameer – Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association is extremely concerned by the lack of intervention on behalf of over 125 Palestinian administrative detainees currently on their 55th day of open hunger strike in Israeli prisons. Addameer is also extremely concerned about the arrest campaign currently underway across the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) by Israeli Occupying […]

UNZ – It is being argued in some circles that a contributing factor in the repudiation of Congressman Eric Cantor by Virginia voters was his close affiliation with the Israel Lobby and with things Israeli in general, to include his support of wars in the Middle East that would serve Tel Aviv’s agenda. Some are […]

By Marcy Oster. Jewish Telegraphic Agency – A new Israel education initiative for camps is launching with grants of $3.6 million. The Larry and Lillian Goodman Foundations has awarded a four-year, $2.3 million matching grant to the iCenter and the Foundation for Jewish Camp to establish the Goodman Camping Initiative for Modern Jewish History. The […]

By Juan Cole. Informed Comment – Already in the past week and a half, many assertions are becoming commonplace in the inside-the-Beltway echo chamber about Iraq’s current crisis that are poorly grounded in knowledge of the country. Here are some sudden truisms that should be rethought. 1. “The Sunni radicals of the Islamic State of Iraq […]

Jewish Telegraphic Agency – Steve Grossman, the former chair of AIPAC, will be one of two Jewish candidates for Massachusetts governor on the Democratic primary ballot. Grossman, the state’s treasurer and one-time head of the Democratic National Committee, and Dr. Don Berwick, a one-time pediatrician and former Medicare chief, qualified in voting by party delegates […]

By Jonathan Ferziger. Bloomberg BusinessWeek – Israel’s government is leading 50 executives this week on a tour of Africa in a bid to diversify business interests amid the threat of international boycotts and irritation over new corporate taxes. Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman is seeking deals in the world’s fastest-growing economies for companies including defense contractor […]