Occupied Palestinian Territory: Gaza Emergency Situation Report

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By Amira Hass. Ha’aretz – Israel has been refusing to allow employees of Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch to enter the Gaza Strip in order to conduct their own independent investigations into the fighting, using various bureaucratic excuses. Both human rights organizations have been trying to obtain permission from the Civil Administration to enter […]
A study published this year in the Arab Journal of Psychiatry [PDF, study begins on page 76] about the effects of Israeli-Palestinian warfare on the mental health of adolescents living in Gaza remains depressingly timely. Though the study was conducted shortly after the Israeli military campaign against Hamas [PDF] in late 2008-early 2009, its findings shed light […]
Exclusive: Silver Star winner Terry Halbardier, the hero who got off the SOS that saved the USS Liberty from Israeli destruction in 1967, died last week in California, prompting ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern to recall the murderous attack and the cowardly cover-up that followed. By Ray McGovern. Consortium News – Terry Halbardier, who – as a […]
By Mohammed Omar. Middle East Eye – GAZA- Friday’s execution of 18 Palestinians, who allegedly collaborated with Israel during the recent conflict in Gaza, is part of the new “show no mercy” campaign which Palestinian resistance groups have announced. It was not immediately clear on Friday how many of the 18 were alleged to have collaborated […]
By Richard Falk and Akbar Ganji. Sabbah Report – In Part I of this article we described the reasons as to why Israel has become an outlaw state and discuss US support for Israel and its consequences. The US as Israel’s servant The United States has supported Israel without reservations since its founding in 1948. According to an agreement between the two countries, that has become […]
By Gregory Shupak. Middle East Eye – During the July-August slaughter of Gaza residents, few liberal American commentators could muster the support for the Palestinians’ right to self-determination, or even their right to not be mass murdered, that these same analysts can conjure for certain domestic issues or for people they see as oppressed by states other […]
By William Pfaff. Tribune Content Agency – Nearly every intelligent witness to the nearly seven decades of Israel’s alliance with the United States and Western Europe now understands that the affair is about to be over. In 1948 and the years that immediately followed, the alliance was the salvation of Israel and an obligation upon Western Europe. This was because of what had been done to Europe’s Jews […]
By John V. Whitbeck. Middle East Eye – After the breakdown in the six-day “pause” to permit negotiations on a long-term Israeli-Palestinian ceasefire and the resumption of Israel’s onslaught against the caged people of Gaza, concerned people everywhere are wondering how the conflicting demands of the two sides can possibly be reconciled when each side feels […]
By Richard Falk. Sabbah Report – The United States has supported Israel without reservations since its founding in 1948. According to an agreement between the two countries, that has become a law in the US; the US has committed itself to preserve Israel’s strategic and military superiority in relation to other countries in the Middle East. From 1949 […]