By Jimmy Carter and Mary Robinson. FP – Israelis and Palestinians are still burying their loved ones as Gaza’s third war in six years continues. Since July 8, when this war began, more than 1,600 Palestinian and 65 Israeli lives have been sacrificed. Many in the world are heartbroken in the powerless certainty that more will die, […]

By Ken Klippenstein. CounterPunch – Richard Falk is an American professor Emeritus of International Law at Princeton University. He just completed a six-year term as United Nations Special Rapporteur on Palestinian human rights. He was appointed to this role by the UN Human Rights Council, in 2008. Ken Klippenstein: Could you describe Sisi’s [Egypt’s new leader] […]

By Jeffrey Blankfort. CounterPunch – Over the years there have been scores of demonstrations in front of Israel’s San Francisco consulate and dozens of marches and rallies in the city’s streets protesting Israel’s recurring, pre-planned, episodes of bloody suppression of Palestinian resistance and its devastating wars on Lebanon. None, however, have been as memorable as the one […]

By Philip Giraldi. Even though most congressmen spend relatively little time on foreign policy, the most important issue confronting any elected official is that of war or peace. The Iraq War, which was based on lies, killed tens or possibly even hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and nearly 4,500 Americans. By one estimate, it will cost […]

By James North and Phil Weiss. Mondoweiss – One of the most important strikes in the propaganda war for Israel in the last month was dealt by the New York Times and CNN when they ran long pieces giving credence to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s claim that Hamas was building tunnels out of Gaza aimed at kindergartens […]

By Josh Nathan-Kazis. Last February, a young Israeli businessman visiting New York got a phone call warning him to return to Israel right away. The caller informed Tomer Shohat that he was no longer under the protection of Rabbi Yoshiyahu Yosef Pinto, according to court papers that Shohat has filed in New York State Supreme […]

By Gilbert Schramm. Nothing demonstrates the failure of decades of Israeli and US policy in Palestine than the wave of hatred that is now consuming Israeli society. Now, 1,900+ Palestinians are dead and 9,000+ are wounded. The victims of this Israeli aggression are overwhelmingly civilians (75-80%). Three Israeli civilians have been killed—all of them after […]

By Gilbert Schramm. As the direct fighting in Gaza slowly subsides, the struggle for peace and justice in Palestine will increasingly take place in the media. The argument over what caused this horrific episode and what it really means is the next battleground. Since the Israeli position depends almost solely on the statements made by […]

By Eran Efrati. GlobalVoices – Former combat soldier and company sergeant of the Israeli army turned whistle-blower Eran Efrati, aged 28, was arrested by the Israeli authorities and questioned concerning his research regarding the use of illegal weapons in Gaza. On Tuesday, July 29, Efrati announced on Facebook that he received information from sources within the Israel Defense […]

By M. J. Rosenberg. MWC News – The last item Congress voted on before going on vacation for five weeks was a $225 million appropriation to “replenish” Israel’s Iron Dome system. That makes sense. The system is protecting Israelis from rocket assault Of course we want to replenish Israel’s arsenal? The answer is simple. No […]