By Peter Beinart. Haaretz – Reuven Rivlin is lucky he’s a politician in Israel. Were he a politician in the United States, he’d be labeled an anti-Semite and likely forced from his job. At a conference earlier this week, Rivlin, Israel’s president, said “It’s time to admit honestly that Israeli society is sick.” He went on to suggest that […]

By Sigal Samuel. The Jewish Daily Forward – Just a couple of months after the Gaza war, Israel has found a new way “to show the world the beauty of Israel and its people” — via the power of a pin-up calendar featuring real IDF soldiers. Or, as the creators of the MTKL Israeli Army Women Calendar like […]

By Philip Weiss and Adam Horowitz. Mondoweiss – Yet another reporter for the New York Times has a son in the Israeli Defense Forces. Isabel Kershner, a correspondent in the newspaper’s Jerusalem bureau, says that her son is in training in the army. This is the third time in recent years that a writer who covers the conflict for America’s leading […]

PR Newswire – WASHINGTON, Sept. 30, 2014 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Most Americans (60.7 percent) believe the United States gives “much too much” or “too much” foreign aid to Israel according to the survey report American Public Opinion on U.S. Aid to Israel (PDF) released today by the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy, IRmep. 33.9 percent of Americans say Israel receives “much too much” U.S. foreign aid, while […]

By Ron Kampeas. JTA – WASHINGTON (JTA) — Ibrahim Barzak spent his childhood counting the days to weekends, when he would travel with his father to see friends in Tel Aviv, Herzliya, Ashdod and Jerusalem. For Barzak’s young sons, by contrast, the names of those cities conjure malevolent exotica. Barzak, 38, has worked for the past 22 years […]

By Stuart Littlewood. INTIFADA – The motion, as amended, read: “That this House believes that the Government should recognise the state of Palestine alongside the state of Israel as a contribution to securing a negotiated two state solution.” The Cameron-led coalition government will no doubt continue to tug the forelock and cuddle up to Israel but, […]

By Barbara Erickson. TimesWarp – In a story notable for what it fails to say, The New York Times today tells us that donor nations have pledged $5.4 billion to rebuild Gaza. Although we get some numbers here, the article avoids the big question: Why are other nations asked to pay for Israel’s destruction in the strip this […]

By Alan Hart. For me the most depressing thing about the debate in the British House of Commons on a non-binding motion to recognise Palestine as a state alongside Israel was that all MPs who participated, including those who made informed and honest contributions, still seem to believe that a two-state solution is possible. It isn’t. […]

By Philip Giraldi. The Unz Review – The many blog and information sites on the internet are attractive to many habitues precisely because they sometimes seems to be the last bastions for free expression. But free expression does not necessarily guarantee civility. Anyone who peruses comments on many of the major websites can confirm that there is considerable garbage […]

By Barbara Erickson. Times Warp – Roger Cohen calls for Israeli self-scrutiny in his New York Times op-ed today, bemoaning the “moral dilemma of the modern Israeli condition.” It’s tough, he says, because the “terrorists” in Gaza forced them to take action and now Israel has the blood of 500 children on its hands. Although Cohen calls for Israelis […]