… in a closed briefing session with Israeli journalists a spokeswoman for the Israeli embassy in Berlin said it was an Israeli interest to maintain German guilt feelings… The spokes person said “it was an off-the-record conversation, a briefing talk. The way I speak with Israeli journalists is a little different. These things aren’t intended […]

…“discouraging” Israel boycotts would become one of the “principal negotiating objectives” of U.S. officials in bill just passed by both chambers of Congress… The bill’s passage could compromise trade dealings with Europe… AIPAC pushed inclusion of the language… JTA, “Congress writes boycott opposition into trade talks” June 25, 2015 — Congress included a provision in […]

…in 2000, Clinton repeatedly secured the Tuesday-morning slot at national Jewish conferences for AIPAC and the Jewish Federations of North America, among others – a slot reserved for the most respected pro-Israel figure in Congress… For her 2016 bid, Clinton has lined up pro-Israel funding powerhouses who helped fuel her ’08 bid, like entertainment mogul […]

That far right wing Jews would be trying to teach white people to hate non-Christians boggles the mind, since nothing could be more injurious to the American and European Jewish communities. But the biggest irony is that their agitation against European Muslims should have helped inspire Roof in South Carolina to kill 9 African-Americans. Juan […]

Hillary Clinton’s greatest billionaire backer has been Haim Saban, a dual United States-Israel citizen and hardline supporter of Israel, who has openly commented, “I’m a one-issue guy, and my issue is Israel… Saban is her “major financial backer: one could go so far as to say that he and his donor circle constitute her ‘base’ […]

Numerous pro-Israel organizations, including the Anti-Defamation League, the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, and the Jewish Community Relations Council of the Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago, filed amicus briefs supporting the expansive reading of the ATA…… one searches in vain for a single instance in which Israel has been held accountable for its wrongs—for […]

James Bovard, USAToday – Last August, Transportation Security Administration chief John Pistole attacked an article I wrote, stating that it was “Misleading, inaccurate and unfairly disparages the dedicated (TSA) workforce. … We will not sit back and allow misinformation and conjecture to malign our employees.” Pistole resigned last December — in time to miss the […]

A well-financed pro-Israel network of “experts” – think-tank gurus, special interest groups, and media pundits – is dedicating enormous amounts of time and energy to weakening public support for the talks in the United States. Toossi gives the names and details: Sina Toossi, FPIF, June 4, 2015 – In a recent TV ad, a van snakes […]

Denied crucial information about Syria, the American people are being led toward the precipice of another Middle East war, guided by neocons and liberal hawks who are set on “regime change” even if that means a likely victory for Sunni terrorists, writes Robert Parry. Robert Parry, Consortium News, June 4, 2015 – If sanity ruled […]

The New York Times hailed Israel’s ingenuity in addressing its water needs, but played down how Israel exploits its military domination to divert water away from Palestinians and to Israelis, as ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar explains. Paul Pilar, ConsortiumNews, June 5,2015 – Israel is the object of widespread admiration for its economic and technical accomplishments […]