Identity politics is a fact of American life. There is a Congressional Black Caucus, a Congressional Hispanic Caucus and a Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus. Jewish lawmakers meet, they consult, their staffs check in with one another. Every four years, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee assembles a “Breakfast with Mishpocha” at political conventions. But there is […]

“…for the Israeli government and Israel’s American lobby, Iran’s alleged nuclear threat has served the same purpose as Saddam’s non-existent WMD—it generates public support against a target that is designated for other reasons… ” By Stephen J. Sniegoski American critics are going all out to derail President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran, which also […]

The bad guys who took aim at Bartlett? They were people defending their homes and families against an invader… his claim that he was maimed by Iranian provided weapons should not go unchallenged. In actual fact, it is a lie. By Philip Giraldi – There is a new entrant in the already crowded field of […]