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Stories written by alisonweir

Despite coronavirus-caused cutbacks, Israel expects to get full $3.8 billion

Despite 26 million Americans out of work, and millions more impacted by coronavirus cutbacks, experts expect that Israel will get its full massive aid package. Administration official says Israelis don’t have to worry “even if there is a depression” – and even though the aid is damaging to Americans…

View the Frontline Documentary on Gaza that PBS pulled

By Alison Weir PBS stations around the U.S. were scheduled to show a riveting new Frontline documentary, “One Day in Gaza,” but at the last minute PBS pulled it.  The film is missing important context about the issue, but it includes footage that Americans, as Israel’s top funders, should see – including a young, unarmed […]

The True Cost of Israel: U.S. support goes far beyond the official numbers

…In 1992, the AIPAC President bragged how he “got almost a billion dollars in other goodies [for Israel] that people don’t even know about.” In 2012, Israel’s former commander-in-chief said that between 2009 and 2012 American taxpayers had paid for more of his country’s defense budget than had Israeli taxpayers…. By Philip Giraldi The American Israel Public Affairs […]

Is Criticizing neocon thuggery anti-Semitism?

Max Boot networked his way up the neocon ladder. He was a member of the neocon Project for a New American Century and now sits on the heavily neocon Council on Foreign Relations. He never served in the U.S. military but likes war  – he co-authored “5 Reasons to Intervene in Syria Now.” He is a reliable […]

Cheerleading for Israel: Everyone’s doing it

France’s greatest living poseur-hypocrite Bernard-Henri Levy, who has described the brutal Israel Defense Forces as “a democratic army, which asks itself so many moral questions” and who was a war-on-Libya cheerleader, warns that Trump is a threat to all American Jews. Why? Because even though he has showered benefits on Israel his love for the Jewish […]

More About Russia and Less About Flynn? The leak has narrowed Trump’s options for dealing with Putin

Flynn certainly had a number of other discussions with foreign-intelligence officers before the Trump inaugural, including those of Israel and most likely Britain, without any scandal being imputed. The difference is clearly the involvement of Russia… This was a leak that had specific policy implications. By Philip Giraldi The story on the resignation of National Security […]

Elliott Abrams and Gina Haspel – ghastly choices

The most ghastly candidate who has almost made it through the nomination screening process, in this case to become number two at the Department of State, is Elliot Abrams. Another almost as bad, Gina Haspel, succeeded and is now CIA Deputy Director….  By Philip Giraldi We live in a political environment where nothing is any longer real. […]

The Israeli roots of Trump’s “Muslim Ban”

With just a single exception, all of these countries were targeted for attack by certain top U.S. officials in 2001. In fact, that policy had roots that went back to 1996, 1991, 1980, and even the 1950s. Trump’s action continues policies influenced by people working on behalf of a foreign country, whose goal has been to […]

The Neocon Lament: Nobody wants them in Trump’s Washington

It is a pleasure to watch the think tanks and the Israel-first, pro-war neocons begin thinking of their own political demise. It is intriguing to speculate that Trump with his populist message might just take it all one step farther and shut the door on the K Street lobbyists and other special interests, which have […]

Washington Invented Hacking and Interfering in Elections: Weaponized hacking all began with Stuxnet

I am still waiting to see the actual evidence for the Russian direct involvement and have to suspect that there is little to show, or possibly even nothing…. One can reasonably argue that Washington started the practice of cyber-warfare and has been a long-time practitioner of both regime change and election tampering in its relationship with […]

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