By Alison Weir. Following are a few short questions for the New York Times in regard to a recent news report: 1. When are you going to cover the killing of Palestinians the same way you cover the killing of Israelis? Israel’s killing of at least 8 civilians in one day was relegated to the […]

A plot to bomb the Foreign Office in London in 1947 was foiled by a pilot from Birmingham and has now been chronicled in Alison Weir’s new book The Birmingham Post – A new book has revealed the astonishing story of how an ex-Spitfire pilot from Birmingham foiled an international plot to firebomb London. The year […]

By Alison Weir. Counterpunch – The American Legion, founded in 1919, is the nation’s largest wartime veterans’ assistance organization.According to its mission statement, the Legion is committed to “devotion to our fellow servicemembers and veterans.” Yet, Legion honchos are actively hostile to veterans of the USS Liberty – the most decorated ship since World War II. […]

By Alison Weir. Counterpunch – If things proceed normally, President Barak Obama will soon proclaim April 11, 2014 “Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A.” Despite the innocuous name, this day honors the memory of a religious leader whose lesser-known teachings help fuel some of the most violent attacks against Palestinians by extremist Israeli settlers and soldiers. The leader […]

Everyone remembers the Israeli athletes murdered during the 1972 Olympic games, but no one commemorates the hundreds of people (mostly civilians) killed by Israel’s heavy air attacks in Syria and Lebanon launched the following day. By Alison Weir. Counterpunch, 2/11/14 – The Washington Post has published a moving article, “Russian Jews remember Israeli athletes murdered at 1972 […]

By Alison Weir. Argus Leader, October 2013 – In his recent My voice column, “The longest hatred: Alison Weir’s speaking tour,” Steve Hunegs tries to use defamatory claims that I am “anti-Semitic” to divert attention from the facts I provide on Israel-Palestine. This is an old and pervasive tactic. Former Israeli minister Shulamit Aloni explained […]

By Alison Weir. Palestine News, London, Spring 2013 – Whenever a US president begins a term of office many people round the world are curious about what policies he may pursue on Israel-Palestine. They wonder if he will once again call on Israel to reduce its settlement activities as almost every president has done at […]
By Alison Weir. CounterPunch, July 26, 2013 – The New York Times recently published a news brief, reporting that Israel is going to re-investigate an incident in which an American citizen, Tristan Anderson, was permanently maimed. Anderson suffered extensive brain damage (part of his frontal lobe was destroyed) and paralysis, and was blinded in one eye, after Israeli soldiers shot him with a […]

By Alison Weir. Middle East Monitor, May 1, 2013 – Thirteen years ago I knew very little about Israel-Palestine. Like most Americans, this seemed to be a distant, confusing conflict that had little to do with me. I was unaware –again, like most Americans – that American taxpayers give Israel over $8 million per day, […]