By Gilbert Schramm. The bizarre and pointless Israeli assault on Gaza has exposed the extent to which Israeli pressure has undermined American institutions. That corruption should be of deep concern to every American. Both here and abroad, we will eventually pay an enormous price for it. Notice the following facts. Our media has been corrupted. […]

The House’s Defense Appropriations Bill gives the Iron Dome anti-missile system $131 million more than funding in the previous fiscal year provided. Haaretz – The U.S. House of Representatives increased funding for Israel’s missile defense systems. Included in the House’s Defense Appropriations Bill approved last week is $351 million for the Iron Dome anti-missile system, […]

By Greta Berlin. Op Ed News – Four years ago, Israeli commandos attacked the MaviMarmara and five other ships in the Freedom Flotilla, in international waters, while they were heading to Gaza. The Flotilla, which Free Gaza helped organize along with the Turkish charity, IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation, was determined to break the blockade of Gaza and bring […]

By Robert Fantina. Counterpunch – As Detroit, Michigan grapples with bankruptcy, requiring at least $1 billion in aid, it is probably not alone. “More U.S. cities could be heading towards bankruptcy”, said Richard Ravitch, a former Lieutenant-Governor of New York, who was instrumental in helping New York City navigate through its financial woes in the […]

Al-Monitor – The Obama administration said Monday that it wouldn’t cut off funds to the Palestinian Authority (PA) despite its unity government with Hamas, setting up a bruising battle with Congress. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters that the administration believes the PA has “every desire and intent” to abide by its commitment to […]
Following is a report prepared by The Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies’ “Study Group on a New Israeli Strategy Toward 2000.” The main substantive ideas in this paper emerge from a discussion in which prominent opinion makers, including Richard Perle, James Colbert, Charles Fairbanks, Jr., Douglas Feith, Robert Loewenberg, David Wurmser, and Meyrav […]

Library of Congress, 3/29/1990 – The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a previous order of the House, the gentleman from Illinois [Mr. Savage] is recognized for 60 minutes. Mr. SAVAGE. Madam Speaker, I rise tonight to deal with the problem that occurred in my recent primary election, the one in which–let me just say that I was successful, […]

An array of top experts testified at the National Summit to Reassess the US-Israel Special Relationship, an all-day event on March 7th at the National Press Club. Among the speakers were high level national security experts, Congressional representatives, and diverse authors and analysts on this subject. The Summit can be viewed in its entirety at […]

By Paul Craig Roberts – RT is the best English language news source available to Americans. On January 29, RT published a photo of 5 presidential appointees lying through their teeth to Congress. All five of these Gestapo wannabes are in violation of their oath of office to protect the Constitution of the United States. […]

By Rania Khalek. Electronic Intifada, 2/17/14 – The Jewish Journal has an incredible write-up of the Los Angeles Police Department’s (LAPD) recent visit to Israel. For nine days early this month, eight of the LAPD’s highest ranking officers toured Israel on a trip organized by LAPD Deputy Chief and commander of the Counter-Terrorism and Special Operations Bureau, Michael Downing, […]