Council for the National Interest
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The Bill and Hillary Show: Will it ever end?

…The real danger of a Hillary in power comes with her consistently belligerent view of America’s role in the world, her own track record while in office, and her apparent willingness to create international conflicts where none are called for. Though Hillary is not so insane as to want to risk a nuclear war, she […]

Pluto – Zionists Support for Hillary Clinton

Pluto-Zionists comprise the leading financial backers of Clinton.  Her million-dollar backers, among the most powerful financiers and media moguls in America, include: George Soros ($6 million), Marc Benioff, Roger Altman, Steven Spielberg, Haim and Cheryl Saban ($3 million and counting), Jeffrey Katzenberg, Donald Sussman, Herb Sandler, Jay and Mark Pritzker, S. Daniel Abraham ($1 million), […]

Most aid to Palestinians ends up in Israel’s coffers

78 per cent of humanitarian aid intended for Palestinians ends up in Israel’s coffers… To reach the Palestinians, donors have no choice but to go through Israel. This provides ripe opportunities for what he terms “aid subversion” and “aid diversion”… the World Bank estimated that Palestinians lose at least $3.4 billion a year in resources […]

Israel Announces $26 Million Cyberattack on pro-Palestinian Movement and Muslims in the West

Israel is escalating its campaign to unprecedented levels. Israeli tech companies plan to unleash a wave of cyber-attacks, including “sly algorithms to restrict these online activists’ circle of influence” as well as forensic intelligence gathering so they are able to track and restrict their online activity. Those acts of sabotage will take place alongside a flood of “content […]

Jeffrey Goldberg & Aaron Miller, pro-Israel Iranophobes

Both Jeffrey Goldberg and Aaron David Miller are members of a hearty band of pro-Israel intellectuals and journalists.  Both harbor deep hostility toward Iran which is nothing less than Iranophobia… Through his young adulthood, Goldberg was a devout follower of Meir Kahane… By Richard Silverstein, Tikkun Olam Despite the P5+1 nuclear deal between Iran and western powers including […]

Pro-Israel Organizations Fomented Anti-Muslim Hate Spreading Across America

In the post-9/11 era, pro-Israel donors, institutions and the Israel lobby have often fueled the very Islamophobia now suddenly catching fire in America, doing so as a strategy for smearing Palestinians. Promoting and showcasing anti-Muslim bigots has become a troubling pattern for the Israel lobby… By David Harris-Gershon, +972 Magazine, Tikkun  Anti-Muslim rhetoric coming from American lawmakers and presidential […]

The Contrived Iran Threat: Another phony excuse for endless war

Iran was not building a nuke and much of the information used to bolster the argument being made turned out to be fabricated by the Israelis themselves… Iran may be many things depending on one’s perspective, but it is not a global or even much of a regional threat. By Philip Giraldi The Israeli Minister of […]

Bernie Sanders vs Hillary Clinton on Palestine

The higher he climbed, the less Sanders spoke out against Israeli abuses of Palestinian rights. Still, Sanders’ record is a striking contrast to Hillary’s enthusiastic embrace of Israel’s right-wing leadership and contempt for the lives of Palestinians. But absent significant and ongoing pressure from his base, there’s little reason to believe a Sanders administration would be all that different […]

Israel’s International Conspiracy: Nearly every western country has an Israel lobby

Wherever one goes – Western Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United States – there is a well-organized and funded lobby ready, willing and able to go to war to protect Israel. Most of the organizations involved take at least some direction from officials in Tel Aviv. Their goal is to spread propaganda and […]

Israel Demands World Internet Censorship

 Israel plans to create an international coalition that would monitor the internet and demand the removal of content that Israel doesn’t like New Observer The Israeli Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan has unveiled plans to censor the Internet’s worldwide social media platforms with the building of an “international coalition” to counter criticism of Israel. According to an article […]

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