Council for the National Interest
Media distortion

The Tel Aviv stabbings: What the media left out

If Americans Knew, 1/22/15 – Yesterday in Tel Aviv, a 23-year-old Palestinian man stabbed and injured as many as 12 Israelis who were riding a public bus during morning rush hour. No deaths were reported, although three people were hospitalized with serious injuries. U.S. mainstream media coverage of this attack painted a picture of Israeli […]

Attack First, Kill First and Claim Self-Defense: Palestine Subcommittee Submission to UN Independent Commission of Inquiry on the 2014 Gaza Conflict

National Lawyer’s Guild, 1/19/15 – The Palestine Subcommittee of the National Lawyers Guild submitted a paper, written by James Marc Leas, to the United Nations Independent Commission of Inquiry on the 2014 Gaza Conflict. The submission sharply rejects Israeli claims of “self-defense” related to the 2014 attack on Gaza, noting that “both facts and law […]

A ‘Child’ Is Missing–From a New York Times Headline

By Jim Naureckas. FAIR – Read this headline from the New York Times (11/16/14): Palestinian Shot by Israeli Troops at Gaza Border Think for a second about what kind of image that calls up. How much does that image change when you read the story’s second sentence? A spokeswoman for the hospital said the Palestinian was a 10-year-old boy. […]

A Letter to TIME Magazine: Gaza

Letter to Joe Klein Time Magazine Inc. cc. Managing Editor, Nancy Gibb 6th of August, 2014 Dear Sir: Re: August 4, 2014 – Commentary: In Gaza, a Just but Bloody War First, I am not a quack. I am a working Mediator with a law background. I have closely studied conflict since 1978 and researched Israel-Palestine since the threads from 9/11 led to […]

Israel Cashes in on Gaza Reconstruction

By Barbara Erickson. TimesWarp – In a story notable for what it fails to say, The New York Times today tells us that donor nations have pledged $5.4 billion to rebuild Gaza. Although we get some numbers here, the article avoids the big question: Why are other nations asked to pay for Israel’s destruction in the strip this […]

The Murder of 500 Children: A “Moral Dilemma” for Israel

By Barbara Erickson. Times Warp – Roger Cohen calls for Israeli self-scrutiny in his New York Times op-ed today, bemoaning the “moral dilemma of the modern Israeli condition.” It’s tough, he says, because the “terrorists” in Gaza forced them to take action and now Israel has the blood of 500 children on its hands. Although Cohen calls for Israelis […]

My email to New York Times Public Editor about David Brooks’ conflict of interest

By Alison Weir. – Today I sent the following email to the New York Times Public Editor’s office: In September 2014, New York Times Public Editor Margaret Sullivan wrote: “The Times could do a lot more to alert readers about conflicts of interests of sources used by the paper.” Similarly, The Times could and should do […]

My email to New York Times Public Editor about David Brooks’ conflict of interest

By Alison Weir. – Today I sent the following email to the New York Times Public Editor’s office: In September 2014, New York Times Public Editor Margaret Sullivan wrote: “The Times could do a lot more to alert readers about conflicts of interests of sources used by the paper.” Similarly, The Times could and should […]

Settlements or Neighborhoods? NPR Takes Netanyahu’s Side

FAIR – NPR‘s Morning Edition (10/8/14) decided to examine the terminology used to describe Israel’s illegal building projects in the West Bank, which could have been a useful exercise. Unfortunately, its sole source for the discussion was an Israeli newspaper columnist who essentially endorsed the Israeli government’s misleading rhetoric. NPR aired excerpts from a recent interview with Israeli Prime […]

Disenfranchised: How the Times Spins the Status of Palestinian Land

By Barbara Erickson. TimesWarp – In The New York Times, Palestinian land has become something else again. It is not the State of Palestine, not simply Palestine, not the occupied Palestinian territories and not really Israel either. It is all murkier than that. This should not be difficult for the Times. There is plenty of established precedence to point […]

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