Council for the National Interest
News from the Middle East

Are You Feeling Safer? ‘War of the Worlds’ Pits U.S. and Israel Against Everyone Else

The media being focused on an upcoming election, coronavirus, fires on the West Coast and burgeoning BLM and Antifa unrest, it is perhaps no surprise that some stories are not exactly making it through to the evening news. Last week an important vote in the United Nations General Assembly went heavily against the United States. […]

The United Arab Emirates and Israel Join Hands: Great for Trump but More Bad News for the Middle East

The decision made this week by the United Arab Emirates and Israel to establish full diplomatic relations as part of a commitment to normalize the interaction between the two countries was characteristically announced by President Donald Trump because he is, undoubtedly, the main beneficiary. With less than three months to go until the U.S. national […]

Saudi Oil Attacks: Time to Back Off on the Threats

Saudi Arabia Feels Some Pain Attacks on two Saudi Arabian oil facilities on Saturday reportedly reduced the production of Aramco, the state oil company, by one half. It was a devastating demonstration of just how vulnerable the Kingdom’s oil economy actually is. Initial reports suggested that the damage had been caused by explosive drones launched […]

More Reckless Behavior by Israel: Netanyahu Plays by His Own Rules

  As has become the normal practice, Christmas Day’s air raid by Israel directed against targets near Damascus was largely ignored by the US media. Given the fact that Israel has bombed Syria more than two hundred times, the attack itself, which wounded three soldiers at a warehouse, was not particularly notable. But what was significant was […]

Most aid to Palestinians ends up in Israel’s coffers

78 per cent of humanitarian aid intended for Palestinians ends up in Israel’s coffers… To reach the Palestinians, donors have no choice but to go through Israel. This provides ripe opportunities for what he terms “aid subversion” and “aid diversion”… the World Bank estimated that Palestinians lose at least $3.4 billion a year in resources […]

Jewish extremists ban Christian prayer in Jerusalem – Call it “pagan”

IMEMC – On Monday Israeli Jews banned Christian prayer at the holy site of Jesus’ Last Supper, calling it a “pagan ceremony.” Witnesses said that clashes erupted between the Israeli Jews and Christians –Palestinian and Israeli– when the Christians wanted to perform their prayer. The Jewish extremists said the Christian worshippers were desecrating their holy […]

IMEMC – On Monday Israeli Jews banned Christian prayer at the holy site of Jesus’ Last Supper, calling it a “pagan ceremony.” Witnesses said that clashes erupted between the Israeli Jews and Christians –Palestinian and Israeli– when the Christians wanted to perform their prayer. The Jewish extremists said the Christian worshippers were desecrating their holy […]

Benjamin Netanyahu: Media Manipulator

Netanyahu is now in a position to personally regulate cellular service and Internet providers, license private broadcast channels, and influence the management of public television and radio. Bernard Avishai, New Yorker –Benjamin Netanyahu dissolved his government last November to remove two obstacles. The first, much reported beyond Israel, was opposition by centrists within his government, […]

IDF slaps soldier, an American, with jail term over grandma’s pork sandwiches

It is against IDF rules to bring non-kosher food on its bases, which are kosher… he was given the pork sandwiches by his grandmother, who lives on a kibbutz JTA — An American serving in the Israeli army was sentenced to military jail for bringing non-kosher sandwiches to his base and offering them to fellow […]

Israeli army commander recorded ordering attack on Gaza clinic

Nerya Yeshurun, a lieutenant colonel, instructed that a clinic in the Shujaiya neighborhood be fired upon on 23 July last year to “honor” an Israeli soldier who had been killed a day earlier.  His statement amounts to a clear, though perhaps unintended, admission of war crimes. Charlotte Silver, EI – An Israeli military commander has been recorded ordering troops to shell medical […]

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