Council for the National Interest
News from the Middle East

Israel’s corrupt political system is a breeding ground for crooked leaders connected to diaspora tycoons

Israeli Prime Minister Olmert wasn’t a pioneer of the financial connection between shadowy Diaspora tycoons and senior Israeli politicians. Leaders of all the major parties were in on it … Ariel Sharon, Ezer Weizman, Shimon Peres – all had their benefactors… Ha’aretz, excerpt: – Olmert wasn’t a pioneer of the financial connection between shadowy Diaspora […]

Former Israeli Prime Minister sentenced for cash-filled envelopes from American-Jewish businessman

JTA — Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was sentenced to eight months in prison for accepting cash-filled envelopes from an American-Jewish businessman. The sentence, announced Monday in the Jerusalem District Court, includes an additional eight months probation and a $26,000 fine and could be added to the six-year sentence Olmert is already facing for […]

Reassessing US aid to Israel – Allan C. Brownfeld

The new Justice minister, Ayelet Sheked, justified the burning alive of a Palestinian teenager by Israeli youths in East Jerusalem…. Rabbi Eli  Ben-Dahan, the new deputy defense minister, declared: “(Palestinians) are beasts, they are not humans” and  “A Jew always has a much higher soul than a gentile, even if he is a homosexual.” CommDigiNews […]

Jews, Non-Jews, and the New Israeli Government—by Peter Eisenstadt

The Birthright group leader made the following statement. He said he had Italian neighbors “and they’re wonderful, but if I had to decide whether to save their lives or the life of one Jew, I would choose to save the Jew. If I had to choose to save 100 non-Jews or one Jew, I would […]

Setting the Record Straight: The Greenhouse propaganda—How Gazan history was rewritten to dehumanize Palestinians

Two months prior to the withdrawal, in July of 2005, Israeli settlers demolished about half of the greenhouses…. By Justin Schweigel –According to the history being written by Clinton and Krauthammer, Ariel Sharon made the decision to pull out of Gaza as a goodwill gesture toward peace and left the greenhouses behind so that Palestinians […]

Israel sentences Palestinian to 9 months for Facebook posts

One of eight Palestinian men detained in December 2014 in East Jerusalem under the same charges…. During his interrogation, it emerged that he was under suspicion because he had written “forgive me” on Facebook. Ma’an — The former secretary-general of Fatah in Jerusalem has been sentenced to nine months in an Israeli prison for activity […]

Almost all Palestinian prisoners ‘are tortured by Israel’

Approximately 95 per cent of Palestinians imprisoned by the Israelis have been tortured physically and psychologically… MEMO – A human and civil rights specialist with the PLO has revealed that around 95 per cent of Palestinians imprisoned by the Israelis have been tortured physically and psychologically, Quds Press reported on Monday. Hassan Abed-Rabbu, information advisor […]

Israel’s spy recruitment puts Gazans in tough spot

 Gaza security services have been receiving complaints submitted by citizens who have been blackmailed or threatened by Israeli security and intelligence officers to work for them as informants Almonitor, Rasha Abou Jalal,Translator Joelle El-Khoury, GAZA CITY – Gazans are increasingly issuing complaints with security services in the Gaza Strip of being blackmailed by Israeli security and […]

Long hours on meagre wages: child labour increases in Gaza

Due to the Israeli siege, many families in Gaza have to send their children to work to support their families Mohammed Omer, MiddleEastEye – Midnight approaches, and the small feet of Imad Awadallah feel heavy but manage to carry him and his bag across the street to a dark alley. Whoever he meets, he has […]

Why Iran Distrusts the US in Nuke Talks

U.S. media portray the Iran nuclear talks as “our good guys” imposing some sanity on “their bad guys.” But the real history of the West’s dealings on Iran’s nuclear program shows bad faith by the U.S. government, as ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern describes: By Ray McGovern, Consortium News, April 1 The Iranians may be a bit paranoid but, as […]

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