Council for the National Interest
Israel Lobby

How the GOP Became the Israel Party

How did the party of Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan come to this? I am not persuaded by the evangelical argument…Christan Zionism may have peaked 15 years ago… increasingly there are prominent evangelical voices calling for justice in Israel and Palestine. In any case, evangelicals hardly make up a decisive segment of the Republican electorate… in a […]

Israel to push Congress to pass bill to hamper Iran deal

“Israel will try to persuade congressmen and senators to introduce a clause stipulating that the deal with Iran should be seen as an international treaty requiring Senate ratification and not an agreement.” Ha’aretz, Barak Ravid – Israel will adopt two lines of attack as it tries to thwart – or at least modify – the […]

Anti-Iran Media Drumbeat, Fueled by Israel, Increases as Deal Deadline Nears

Detailed background information on the individuals pushing the anti-Iran narrative in recent articles published by the Washington Post, New York Times, Time magazine, etc …Michael Hayden, a spook from the Bush administration who ran both the NSA and CIA …  He also is a partner in the Chertoff Group, founded by Bush’s Homeland Security czar, […]

Who Spies for Israel in Washington’s Nuclear Negotiations?

Five officials have the history, contacts and access to secret negotiations that make them prime candidates for spying for Israel… Wendy Sherman fits all the criteria… By James Petras Introduction The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) (3/25/15) headlined: ‘Israel Spied on Iran Nuclear Talks with the US”.  The article goes on to detail the way in […]

Declaring Independence from Israel: It’s Way Overdue!

The description of Israel as a close ally is not true, of course. It is not legally or practically an ally at all and never has been. And there is the recent revelation that Israel not only spied on Americans officials negotiating with Iran but also used the information obtained with members of Congress to […]

For Once, Don’t Blame the Israelis – Philip Giraldi

Was the intelligence obtained through a spy in the room feeding the information to the Israelis? ?A spy is, regrettably, more likely and one has to wonder if the leaker was/is part of the American delegation…” The recent revelation that the Israelis had obtained classified information relating to the P5+1 negotiations with Iran over the […]

After Bibi Speech, Jewish Groups Seek Unity for Push on Iran

The day of the speech, Capitol Hill was all but taken over by pro-Israel activists. Members of Netanyahu’s delegation mixed with Jewish leaders and with donors to pro-Israel groups who were invited to hear his talk as honored guests. Busloads of American Israel Public Affairs Committee members, fresh off their annual policy conference, also spilled […]

Israel’s Secret Funding of Settlements: WZO Division Was Key Player in West Bank Expansion

Forward, Nathan Guttman: It’s an unwritten arrangement Diaspora Jewish leaders and Israel have kept for decades — though few Jews know about it: The government of Israel uses one of world Jewry’s main Zionist funding instruments to hide money that it channels secretly to exclusively Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank. The funding body […]

AIPAC promoted bill would require Congressional approval of any Iran deal; Obama says he will veto it

JTA — The White House said it will veto a bill that would subject any Iran nuclear deal to congressional approval. The bill, which was introduced Friday by leading senators from both parties, would keep the president from suspending sanctions on Iran for 60 days while Congress considers any deal. The White House maintains that […]

When you stand with Netanyahu, do you know what messages you are really sending?

By Gilbert Schramm. An open letter to Senators and Congressional Representatives nationwide: On March 3rd, Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu will speak before a joint session of Congress. I’m sure that, you, like every other responsible elected representative in the country, knows what a divisive issue this has become. I wonder if you really understand though, […]

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