Council for the National Interest
Israel Lobby

Chomsky on Oil and the Israel Lobby

By. M. Shahid Alam. Dissident Voice – In the slow evolution of US relations with Israel since 1948, as the latter mutated from a strategic liability to a strategic asset, Israel and its Jewish allies in the United States have always occupied the driver’s seat. President Truman had shepherded the creation of Israel in 1947 […]

It’s Time to End AIPAC’s Pernicious Influence on US Middle East Policy

By Alan C. Brownfeld. Lobbying groups in Washington have, for many years, had a pernicious influence upon policy-making in many areas.  Wall Street lobbyists promoted a bailout of their failed financial institutions, and lobbyists for General Motors did the same.  Lobbyists for Boeing and other large corporations have kept the Export-Import Bank afloat.  The National […]

Strangler Fig Nation

By Paul Larudee. Dissident Voice – Strangler fig is the generic name given to a class of vines that sprouts high in the canopy of trees in tropical forests. It is deposited by birds that eat its fruit. Its roots envelope the tree and feed off it, weakening the tree. If the process is allowed to continue indefinitely, […]

Richard Falk: The US as Israel’s servant

By Richard Falk. Sabbah Report – The United States has supported Israel without reservations since its founding in 1948. According to an agreement between the two countries, that has become a law in the US; the US has committed itself to preserve Israel’s strategic and military superiority in relation to other countries in the Middle East. From 1949 […]

Zionist tycoon vows to contribute “as much as needed” to a Hillary Clinton campaign

By Ted Johnson. [Note: Haim Saban, a businessman whose net worth is over $3 billion dollars, is an American-Israeli dual citizen. In 2004, he told the New York Times, “I’m a one-issue guy and my issue is Israel.” In 2010, he told New Yorker magazine that his greatest concern is to protect Israel by strengthening the United States-Israel […]

Washington is Complicit in Israel’s Crimes

By Paul Findley. Counterpunch – While viewing the massacre of Gazans, you may wonder why 1.8 million Arabs are crowded on that tiny strip of seashore and are being bombed day and night  into death and ruins by Israel’s powerful military machine.  A glimpse of history is timely. Facts set forth below are little known in […]

Florida Congresswoman Sides with Israeli Police Over Her Own Brutalized Teenage Constituent

By Max Blumenthal. Alternet – On July 10, Democratic Representative Kathy Castor of Florida’s Tampa Bay area issued an impassioned plea for the protection of endangered manatees. At the same time, she remained conspicuously silent about the brutal beating and ongoing detention of one of her constituents by a foreign government. Tarek Abu Khdeir, a 15-year-old Palestinian-American […]

Eric Cantor Goes Down: One Less Neocon to Worry About

UNZ – It is being argued in some circles that a contributing factor in the repudiation of Congressman Eric Cantor by Virginia voters was his close affiliation with the Israel Lobby and with things Israeli in general, to include his support of wars in the Middle East that would serve Tel Aviv’s agenda. Some are […]

Israel education initiative for camps launched

By Marcy Oster. Jewish Telegraphic Agency – A new Israel education initiative for camps is launching with grants of $3.6 million. The Larry and Lillian Goodman Foundations has awarded a four-year, $2.3 million matching grant to the iCenter and the Foundation for Jewish Camp to establish the Goodman Camping Initiative for Modern Jewish History. The […]

Former AIPAC chair top vote-getter in Massachusetts governor primary

Jewish Telegraphic Agency – Steve Grossman, the former chair of AIPAC, will be one of two Jewish candidates for Massachusetts governor on the Democratic primary ballot. Grossman, the state’s treasurer and one-time head of the Democratic National Committee, and Dr. Don Berwick, a one-time pediatrician and former Medicare chief, qualified in voting by party delegates […]

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