By Andrew Doughman. Las Vegas Sun, 1/28/14 – State Sen. Mark Hutchison, a Republican candidate for lieutenant governor, decided Monday to disclose an all-expenses-paid trip to Israel last year. Hutchison had faced criticism from another Republican lieutenant governor candidate, Sue Lowden, who called on Hutchison to disclose the trip as a gift. Although state law calls for elected officials […]
“At issue is language that would exempt Israel from having to treat Americans the same way the U.S. treats Israelis before it can be eligible for visa-free travel. Critics say that would allow Israel to discriminate against Arab-Americans and critics of Israel with the U.S. government’s blessing.” By Julian Pecquet. The Hill, 1/31/14 – Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) […]
By Asa Winstanley and Nora Barrows-Friedman. Electronic Intifada, 1/29/14 – A right-wing Zionist group in California infiltrated a student trip to Palestine in 2012, a raft of secret documents obtained by The Electronic Intifada shows. The documents confirm long-held activist suspicions that anti-Palestinian political groups are spying on student activists. The files give a rare insight into […]
Congressman Waxman made special mention of his work to advance US-Israel Relations & took “pride” in his grandchildren serving in the Israeli military… Jewish Journal, 1/30/14 – Rep. Henry Waxman (D – Beverly Hills), who was first elected to Congress in 1974, announced on Thursday morning that he would not seek reelection this fall and […]
John Whitbeck’s commentary: In the article transmitted below, Philip Giraldi considers the national embarrassment to Canada posed by its prime minister Stephen Harper and warns against the risk and threat of putting in charge of a country’s foreign policy an individual in the grip of “nuttier-than-fruitcake” superstition. This threat is, obviously, not unique to Canada. […]
Ynet News, January 16, 2014 – An FBI investigation into Republican Congressman Michael Grimm’s campaign finances ties him to Israeli Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto through donations of more than half a million dollars, and has also led to suspicions of senior Israeli police officers accepting bribes from Pinto. The affair came to light due to an FBI wiretap agreed to […]
By Manny Friedman. The Times of Israel, July 1, 2012 – We Jews are a funny breed. We love to brag about every Jewish actor. Sometimes we even pretend an actor is Jewish just because we like him enough that we think he deserves to be on our team. We brag about Jewish authors, Jewish politicians, […]
“…here we are, with the lofty, pizza-challenged mayor of New York City, right after a landslide election, caught keeping a speech to AIPAC off his public itinerary and barring any press coverage of it. Weird, innit? What would he have to hide? Well here’s an audio of the speech that AIPAC, according to De Blasio, asked […]
By Alison Weir. Argus Leader, October 2013 – In his recent My voice column, “The longest hatred: Alison Weir’s speaking tour,” Steve Hunegs tries to use defamatory claims that I am “anti-Semitic” to divert attention from the facts I provide on Israel-Palestine. This is an old and pervasive tactic. Former Israeli minister Shulamit Aloni explained […]
By Alison Weir. Palestine News, London, Spring 2013 – Whenever a US president begins a term of office many people round the world are curious about what policies he may pursue on Israel-Palestine. They wonder if he will once again call on Israel to reduce its settlement activities as almost every president has done at […]