Council for the National Interest
Archive for: May, 2014

14 Palestinian Women Killed Since Beginning of 2014

IMEMC – In a statement, yesterday, UN Women in Palestine expressed concern over the killing of “yet another Palestinian woman this week, raising the number of reported cases of femicide in the West Bank and Gaza Strip to 14 since the beginning of this year.” “The worrying increase in the rate of femicide, from 13 […]

Three More Deaths Due to Israeli Violence as Nakba Continues

IMEMC – In commemoration of the 66th annual Nakba day, hundreds of Palestinian youth from the Ramallah district moved against Israeli soldiers outside of Ofer prison in Beitunya. Soldiers retaliated with tear gas, live ammunition and rubber-coated steel bullets. During the clashes, soldiers killed two demonstraters, aged seventeen and twenty-two. The first, who was shot […]

Debunking the Extremist Myth That Islam is Anti-Jewish

New bus ads in DC say the Qu’ran promotes Jew-hatred. It’s a meritless, dangerous accusation. By Qasim Rashid. Time – Islamophobes are fabricating the myth that Islam promotes Jew-hatred by taking out ads on D.C. buses. Take a look at the ad, linked above—does anyone else find it insane that these ignorant people are spending money promoting […]

Israel, Passive Aggression & the New York Times

By Yousef Munayyer. The Jerusalem Fund – Arab villages were destroyed. The state of Israel destroyed Arab villages. Do you see the difference there? The first sentence is in the passive voice and absent of any agency. Who destroyed the villages? We are not told in the first sentence. All we are told is that […]

What the media aren’t saying about Yemen

Yemen is only a ‘news story’ if ‘Western interests’ are threatened, however, there is more to this country than this simplistic narrative By Ramzy Baroud. Middle East Eye – “In Yemen today, the US embassy is closed to the public. Officials telling CNN there is credible information of a threat against Western interests there,” read […]

I saw Yafa – Nakba and Somud in Palestine

Although conquered, Yafa city and its proud past as a centre of Arab culture stand tall in the collective memory of Palestinians everywhere Middle East Eye – When I stood on the borders of Yafa, the line of what is real and imagined suddenly became blurred. Once Palestine’s largest city, Yafa turned out not to […]

Aid and Comfort to the Enemy: American Legion Honchos Betray Liberty Veterans

By Alison Weir. Counterpunch – The American Legion, founded in 1919, is the nation’s largest wartime veterans’ assistance organization.According to its mission statement, the Legion is committed to “devotion to our fellow servicemembers and veterans.” Yet, Legion honchos are actively hostile to veterans of the USS Liberty – the most decorated ship since World War II. […]

Thousands Mark Nakba Anniversary with Rallies in Israel, West Bank and Gaza

IMEMC – Palestinians commemorated, today, the 66th anniversary of the Nakba (Catastrophe) of 1948, by participating in a series of nonviolent actions in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, pre-1948 occupied lands and diasporas. For the first time since 2007, Palestinian political factions organized joint rallies to mark the mass displacement of over 700,000 Palestinians in […]

Israel kills two Palestinians during nonviolent demonstrations by prison

IMEMC – Palestinian medical sources have reported that two Palestinians have been killed and several others injured by Israeli army fire, after soldiers attacked a nonviolent protest near the Ofer Prison, west of the central West Bank city of Ramallah. At least eleven Palestinians were injured in Hebron. The Palestinian News & Info Agency (WAFA) has […]

American Actors Call for Cultural Boycott of Israel

By Ali Abunimah. Electronic Intifada – Philosopher and activist Grace Lee Boggs and actor and activist Danny Glover have denounced the inclusion of the film American Revolutionary: the Evolution of Grace Lee Boggs in a government-sponsored Israeli film festival this week.“We stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine, and support their call for cultural and academic boycott of Israel,” they say in […]

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