Council for the National Interest
Archive for: January, 2016

Hillary Clinton: Israel First

Hillary Clinton’s  article is a fawning, maudlin essay, typical of the writing of anyone seeking national political office in the U.S. who knows they must pay homage to their Israeli lord and master… By Robert Fantina, CounterPunch Although the United States is still ten months from its next exercise in electoral futility, most polls do not indicate what […]

Will Congress Stop the Iran Deal?

The inclusion of Iran in the bill does not have anything to do with the war against ISIS. The American neoconservatives and their congressional allies continue to believe that Iran constitutes the most serious threat against Israel, so it has to be pressured incessantly no matter how it behaves… If pushed to its logical conclusion, the […]

What Hillary Knew about Libya

Two key propaganda themes used to advance violent “regime change” in Libya in 2011 may have originated with rebel-inspired rumors passed on by Clinton’s private adviser Sidney Blumenthal (father of author Max Blumenthal) By Robert Parry, Consortium News To justify U.S. “regime changes,” the U.S. government has routinely spread rumors and made other dubious claims which […]

PBS’s Frontline abandons diversity and ethics when it comes to Israel

Even though “diversity” has become obligatory on the Left, this requirement is not applied to the “pundits” who are allowed to speak on Israel – and on the films Frontline will broadcast… Thomas s. Harrington, CounterPunch, “Are US Relations With Israel a Proprietary Matter? The People at PBS’ Frontline Seem to Think So” There are numerous templates available […]

Why the U.S. Spies on Netanyahu: Should NSA listen in when a foreign government seeks to shape America’s foreign policy?

  Did some Jewish organizations and Congressional representatives violate U.S. laws on behalf of Israel? Philip Giraldi The Wall Street Journal story revealing that the Barack Obama administration used the National Security Agency (NSA) to listen to phone calls made by the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his aides is being spun in a […]

NJ High Schooler Called To The Principal’s Office “For Being Anti-Israel” On Twitter

Bethany Koval, 16, said she has family in Israel and grew outraged about the country’s treatment of Palestinians in 2014 after seeing video of civilians bombed in Gaza by Nathan Tempey, Gothamist Administrators at a northern New Jersey high school are getting angry phone calls from Palestinian rights activists after a junior there says administrators accused her […]

Makarim Wibisono quits as UN rights monitor, saying Israel blocked access to Palestinian territories

Mr Wibisono said that his efforts to fulfil his mandate were “frustrated every step of the way”, adding the Palestinian government  had co-operated fully. “I hope that whoever succeeds me will manage to resolve the current impasse, and so reassure the Palestinian people that after nearly half a century of occupation the world has not forgotten […]

Zionist Organization Schedules Conference to Lure Christians Back into Supporting Israel

Since support for Israel is evaporating among US evangelicals, a pro-Israel organization is holding a conference in Hollywood this month to lure them back Richard Edmondson, Fig Trees and Vineyards The pro-Israel CAMERA organization plans to hold a conference in order to woo US evangelical Christians back into the Christian Zionist fold. The event is set […]

Do Jews On US Campuses Suffer from Discrimination or Benefit from Reverse Discrimination? Is There a New “New Anti-Semitism”? (Part 6)

Whereas it is alleged that US campuses have been hit by a tsunami of anti-Semitism (often through conflating criticism of Israel with “anti-Semitism”) the fact is, Jewish life at the nation’s colleges is thriving as never before while, at the Ivy Leagues, Jews are probably the beneficiaries of reverse discrimination. Norman Finkelstein, BYLINE (Dec. 25, 2015) […]

Suing the Israeli Settlers: Lawfare might work in two directions

An Israeli NGO has been winning millions of dollars in U.S. courts in order to stifle criticism of Israel. Now a pro-Palestinian group is suing 100 pro-Israel organizations in an attempt to recoup a trillion dollars for the U.S. treasury that it says was improperly exempted from taxation… By Philip Giraldi Shurat HaDin, the Israeli government funded Lawfare center, has […]

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