Council for the National Interest
Media distortion

Christian Evangelicals increasingly support Palestinian human rights

By Alison Weir. An article in Middle East Quarterly, a pro-Israel publication, reports that support for Israel is eroding among American evangelical Christians, with only 30 percent currently stating support for Israel above Palestinians. This trend is even more pronounced among youth, according to an article by David Brog, Jewish-American executive director of “Christians United […]

Israel Pays Students For Pro-Israeli Social Media Propaganda

Huffington Post – Israel has announced it will pay university students to circulate pro-Israeli information on social media networks, without having to identify themselves as working for the government. The move was publicised in a statement from Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office, the Associated Press reported. Students will receive scholarships to “engage international audiences online” and […]

Anthony Reuben, BBC journalist serving Israel

By Nureddin Sabir. Redress Information & Analysis – The BBC has crossed a new threshold in its pro-Israel propaganda. It has appointed a journalist with a solid, right-wing Zionist background who has produced one of the most distorted apologies for Israeli war crimes ever written in the corporation’s history. The journalist in question, Anthony Reuben, […]

Do Jews Dominate in American Media? And So What If We Do?

By Philip Weiss. Mondoweiss – At least a half dozen times in recent months, the suggestion has come from serious people that Jews predominate in the American media–that if we are not dominant, we are a major bloc. In a Yivo event on Jews in journalism I’ve blogged about, a questioner said that Jews’ outsize proportion […]

Denying Palestinians Their Humanity: A Response to Elie Wiesel

By Sara Roy. Counterpunch – Mr. Wiesel, I read your statement about Palestinians, which appeared in The New York Times on August 4th. I cannot help feeling that your attack against Hamas and stunning accusations of child sacrifice are really an attack, carefully veiled but unmistakable, against all Palestinians, their children included.  As a child of Holocaust survivors—both […]

The Mainstream Media, ISIS, and Iraq War Déjà Vu

By Dr. Stephen Sniegoski. Veterans News Now – The Founders of the United States believed that it was essential for citizens to be well informed in order to have a workable self-government. Being schooled in the classics, in which the socio-political views of Plato and Aristotle held sway, they believed that the popular governments of the ancient […]

Why American liberals failed on Gaza

By Gregory Shupak. Middle East Eye – During the July-August slaughter of Gaza residents, few liberal American commentators could muster the support for the Palestinians’ right to self-determination, or even their right to not be mass murdered, that these same analysts can conjure for certain domestic issues or for people they see as oppressed by states other […]

Tunnels-to-kindergartens propaganda Netanyahu peddled to NYT and CNN is exploded by Israeli news site

By James North and Phil Weiss. Mondoweiss – One of the most important strikes in the propaganda war for Israel in the last month was dealt by the New York Times and CNN when they ran long pieces giving credence to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s claim that Hamas was building tunnels out of Gaza aimed at kindergartens […]

Zionist tycoon vows to contribute “as much as needed” to a Hillary Clinton campaign

By Ted Johnson. [Note: Haim Saban, a businessman whose net worth is over $3 billion dollars, is an American-Israeli dual citizen. In 2004, he told the New York Times, “I’m a one-issue guy and my issue is Israel.” In 2010, he told New Yorker magazine that his greatest concern is to protect Israel by strengthening the United States-Israel […]

Gaza’s Bottle Rockets: Why Hamas’ Arsenal Wasn’t Worth a War

By Mark Perry. Foreign Affairs – Hamas’ rocket fire into Israel has occasionally been described by the international press in dire terms — as a “non-stop onslaught,” an “unbearable” and “incessant” assault that is “paralyzing the country” and making life “intolerable” for ordinary Israelis. One CNN report even claimed that Israeli soldiers were collapsing from the psychological […]

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