With the Obama administration now supporting the unified Palestine Liberation Organization-Hamas government of Mahmoud Abbas, over the strong objections of the increasingly racist and fascist Tel Aviv-Jerusalem regime, things look bleaker now than ever before for the Israel Lobby. And for that, patriotic Americans can truly be grateful. By Wayne Madsen. Wayne Madsen Report – The biggest […]

By Scott McConnell. The American Conservative – Of course it isn’t yet clear what Eric Cantor’s stunning and decisive defeat at the hands of an unknown challenger with one twentieth the campaign funds means for the direction of the House GOP. On domestic issues, including immigration, Cantor has been a chameleon—an establishment figure, a reformer, […]

As Islamic militants gain ground in Iraq, Official Washington’s neocons and the mainstream media are blaming President Obama for ending the U.S. military occupation, but they ignore their own role in destabilizing Iraq with the 2003 invasion, Robert Parry reports. By Robert Parry. After Islamic militants captured the major Iraqi city of Mosul on Tuesday, […]

By Greta Berlin. Op Ed News – Four years ago, Israeli commandos attacked the MaviMarmara and five other ships in the Freedom Flotilla, in international waters, while they were heading to Gaza. The Flotilla, which Free Gaza helped organize along with the Turkish charity, IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation, was determined to break the blockade of Gaza and bring […]

June 12, 2014 To: Everyone Who Honors All of Our Battle Dead — This Obviously Does Not Include The National Leaders of The Department of Defense, The Navy Department, The American Legion, The Navy League and Every Member of Congress Subject: Annual USS Liberty Memorial Service Suppose you gave a memorial service for Americans killed […]

By Paul Craig Roberts. Counterpunch – Dave Brat, a professor of economics at Virginia’s Randolph-Macon College, is a marked man. Professor Brat defeated Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, a prime trophy of the Israel Lobby. I doubt that Eric Cantor ever lost an opportunity to place Israel’s interests above the interests of his constituents. […]

By Ali Gharib. The Nation – When House Majority Leader Eric Cantor lost his Republican primary last night, pundits were left asking how his potential departure from Congress would affect GOP moves on policy matters like immigration, where the Virginia Republican had sometimes played a moderating role. But few discussed another policy area where Cantor […]

The Jerusalem Post – The Education Ministry and Wikipedia are joining forces to enable Israeli pupils to fill in missing information on the online encyclopedia’s site, it was announced Tuesday. Education Minister Shai Piron and Jan-Bart de Vreede, chairman of the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees, have agreed on a collaborative program to train history, […]

By Jonathan Cook. Counterpunch – Nazareth. In the celebratory atmosphere last week as the Palestinian unity government was sworn in, ending a seven-year feud between Fatah and Hamas, it was easy to overlook who was absent. Hamas had agreed to remain in the shadows to placate Washington, which is legally obligated to refuse aid to […]

IMEMC – Israeli Brigadier General Roni Numa was promoted to head the Israeli military’s ‘Depth Corps’ this week, despite having ordered the ‘neutralization’ of a Palestinian civilian in 2001. The Palestinian man was killed in the operation, and his wife and children who were in the car with him during the assassination were wounded. They […]